One of my favorite things about fall is eating pumpkin!! The canned stuff just doesn't come close to a fresh, roasted pumpkin. I thought I was getting in lots of veggie servings, but it turns out, pumpkin is a fruit?! Oh well. Fruit or veggie, they're full of good stuff. . And there is so much you can do with them, beyond pie and muffins... My parents were in town visiting recently, and my mom made Pumpkin Raita with dinner one night, and it was SO good. I'm also a sucker for some pumpkin soup (I like canned coconut milk in place of cream) when the weather is chilly. I know, that's rare around here!

Training Room Workout 3 rounds, not for time. Focus on good form and full ROM! 10 pistols 10 pike push-ups -then- 21-15-9 Handstand shoulder taps Toes to bar 8 min cutoff


Bootcamp Workout (Tues-Wed) Tabata (20/10 x8 of each) Hrpu V-ups Sdhp Sprint
