Look what we found on our road trip! I knew we needed a coffee bar in the gym... Training Room Workout Tuesday

44#/26# KB 15 sec each x 4 Strict press- R Push press- R Push jerk- R Rest (15 sec) Strict press- L Push press- L Push jerk- L Rest (15 sec) Kb squat jump Kb squat Air squat Rest (15 sec)

-Then- 53#/35# 10 sdhp 1 burpee 9 sdhp 2 burpees -etc- 1 sdhp 10 burpees

6 min cutoff --------------

Bootcamp Workout Wednesday (no Tuesday evening BC WOD- come to the Grand Opening instead!)

4 min amrap 50m run -Rest 2- 4 min amrap 100m run -Rest 2- 4 min amrap 200m run -Rest 2- For time 400m run

* sprint/walk back (no running or jogging during walk back!)
