All members are invited to come to the Octane Fitmas party this Saturday at the beautiful Hamilton House Inn! View the invitation here. The Duck Commender Christmas events will be going on, so there will be road closures and extremely limited (if any) parking. We encourage everyone to avoid the mess (and the police checkpoints after the party) by taking advantage if the shuttle services available. Here is the info for the shuttle services.

Training Room Workout Thursday

For time (53#/35#)

21 thrusters 21 pull-ups Run 800 30 KB swings 30 DUs Run 400 30 Box Jumps 24/20 30 wall balls 20/16

------------------- Bootcamp Workout Thursday & Friday

Zone test 5 RFT Run 400 15 air squats (hip crease below knee!) 15 HR push-ups

Black zone= 15 min or less Red= 15:01- 20:00 and/ or 1 modification Blue= over 20:01 and/ or 2 modifications
