Congratulations, Holly Husser! Holly was our most improved member for the Nov/Dec fitness assessment. She improved by 37%! Holly always shows up and works hard, and constantly has such a positive attitude. She's been a member for well over one year, and is STILL improving. Great job, Holly! Enjoy your free month of membership in January! :) Tuesday EMOM x 21 mins 1) 12 Wall balls 2) 16 snatches 3) 30 Double Unders x7 rounds

Wednesday 30s work/ 10s rest x 4 1) Bulgarian Split Squat- R 2) Bulgarian Split Squat- L 3) Frog Thrusters 4) Step ups- R 5) Step ups- L 6) Mountain Climbers

-Then rest 3 mins- 100 air squats for time
