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member of the month


Matt and Kevin

Happy Father's Day!  Since today we are honoring all the dads out there, I thought it would be a great time to introduce this dad...

Matt Green is a family man.  He's a service manager at Century Link, father of 2 boys, husband to Maria, who cares for young children during the day, and he moonlights as a football referee.  Matt joined Octane Training one year ago to stay in shape for his demanding job as a ref.  Matt's son Kevin (who attends Sterlington High School) started joining him in class this year to prepare himself for football, and Kevin also attended the Youth Prehab And Conditioning class at Octane recently.  The entire Green family are some of the nicest, most giving group of folks I know, and Matt and Kevin always bring their friendly attitudes with them to class.  They're not only constantly pushing themselves to improve, but are always encouraging of everyone else in class, as well.  If you attend the 4:15 or 5:30pm classes at Octane, you'll probably have the privilege of training alongside these guys!

When asked about his reasons for attending Octane, with so many other fitness facilities around, Matt says:

I train because I want to feel and look better and be a better role model for my family. Personally knowing Shannon and her family, I know her passion for fitness and conditioning and it carries over to her students. Having friends who have trained with her gives her enormous credibility in the community.

One big thing that keeps me coming back is the Octane family. Through their encouragement and fellowship it really is an awesome place to be.

About the benefits he's seen since training with Octane, Matt had this to say:

I can really tell my endurance and cardio are better. When I first started I couldn’t finish a class. Now there are times when I’ve been the first to finish.
Also, I could never run very far before without stopping. Now I can run at least 800m without stopping, finish a work capacity cycle and run another 800m without stopping.

During the recent flooding we had in our neighborhood it was very noticeable what a difference Octane Training had made. There would have been no way for me to have helped distribute sand bags and walk 100’s of yards in waders for hours without the conditioning Octane had provided.

Keep up the great work, Matt and Kevin!  Thanks for being a part of the Octane crew!




If you have ever attended a 5am Octane class, you've most likely had the pleasure of training with Amy.  She is so consistent with the training program and following the nutrition habits that she's learned, and the outcome speaks for itself.  At 50 years old, she is stronger, more agile, and in better cardiovascular shape than many 20 year olds I know!  She's also been known to text other Octane members to make sure they're awake and heading to class... she keeps us all accountable and is supportive and encouraging of everyone.  She has even saved class when my alarm didn't go off (whoops), by opening the gym and leading the workout!  Thanks for  all that you do, Amy!    

I am 50 years old and employed by the Federal Courts.  I have been a member at Octane for about 3 1/2 years.  I have belonged to a gym since I was 20 years old, always seeking out group exercise to keep me motivated. 
When I joined Octane, I was looking for something close to my house, as I was tired of packing a workout bag every day.  What I found was more than group exercise; it was a group of people who care for and support each other.  So much so, that Shannon sometimes has a hard time explaining the workouts over our “supporting” each other. 
Our classes are more like “group” personal training sessions.  Shannon is always instructing, encouraging and aware of our every move.  (Especially when we try to cheat on burpees.)  She is willing to discuss any nutrition or exercise question we have, day or night.  She is knowledgeable but not judgmental.  She treats us better than family. 
Even coming from a steady workout regime, I feel I am stronger than when I began with Octane.  The entire program is just different from anything I’ve ever tried. 
If you haven’t tried Octane, you are missing something special. - Amy



Logan and Emily

Meet Logan and Emily Roberson

Emily and her husband Logan have been at Octane since May of 2015.  You will usually find them in the 5:30pm classes on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.  Here's what they have to say about their experience with us so far!

"Since I started working out at Octane, my energy levels are much higher, I'm stronger, 12 pounds lighter, and am happier both mentally and physically.  Shannon and the people I workout with hold me accountable, push me past what I think are my limits, and constantly encourage me.  I love that the gym is a small, intimate place where everyone knows each other.  Before starting Octane, I was hesitant of going to large gyms where I would be holding myself accountable.  Working out with a coach who shows me the proper techniques, gives excellent advice and constantly encourages throughout the workouts sets Octane at a higher level." -Emily
"There is no doubt that my overall health is better, and I'm in the best shape I have been in since high school.  Octane has been great for me.  I have never enjoyed working out before.  Any time I ever went to a gym in the past, I would get frustrated because I didn't really know what I needed to do to get in the shape I wanted to be in.  At Octane, Shannon does a great job teaching and explaining what needs to be done.  I now have a group of people that hold me accountable.  Shannon and her husband, Jamie, do a great job of making sure everyone feels welcomed and part of the group.  My wife and I have enjoyed it and look forward to what is to come at Octane!" -Logan


Final Assessment Results


Final Assessment Results

Great job on those assessments, guys!  There were awesome improvements all around.  The Fighter Pullup Progression seriously payed off, and the progress is undeniable!  Several of you are now able to do unassisted kipping pullups for the first time, and several of you are now able to do at least one strict pullup!  Logan Cloessner had the most impressive improvement on his pullups... from 8 strict pullups to 16 in one minute!  He had not only the highest pullup number, but the highest total score on the final assessment with 626 points!!!  

The most improved score all around, and winner of one free month of membership is Debbie McNew!  Woot-woot!  Her first day with us happened to be on the day of the first assessment.  In her first 2 months with us, she improved on it by 45.1%!!  Congratulations, Debbie!

Below are the rest of the results for those who did both assessments:

Debbie McNew- 45.1%
Jeff McNew- 37%
Amy Farmer- 34.3%
Holly Husser- 30%
Latoya Jackson- 25.3%
Tenesha Lain- 22%
Lori Thames- 22%
Cristy Alford- 19.3%
Amanda Hough- 17.2%
Meredith Brooks- 16.2%
Angie Nicholson- 16.2%
SuAnn Dycus- 14.9%
Milissa Heusel- 14.4%
Logan Cloessner- 14.3%
Amy Crawford- 7.4%
Taylor Martin- 6.2%
Matt Green- 5.1%
Kelli Daniel- 1.6%
Shea Beard- 0.6%

We will continue to pull our Fighter Pullup Progression sheets and keep working them.  You guys have worked so hard on improving them, so I don't want you to lose any of that progress!  And remember that you are all encouraged to work on them anytime they aren't on the menu for the day, as well.  Anytime you come in the gym, just jump up on the bar and pull!  You may surprise yourself one day and go so high that you smack your head on the upper bar, like Sonia did ;)






Congratulations to our member of the month this month, KayLea Brantley!  She improved on her January assessment by a WHOPPING 46.8%!  She made a huge improvement in her double unders, which really helped on that final assessment score.  Way to go, KayLea!  Enjoy your free month with us :)
Scroll down to see the rest of the results, for those who did both assessments!



30 min AMRAP
400m Run
10 Single Arm KB Swings (per arm)
10 Single Arm Thrusters (per arm)
10 Burpees


January Assessment Results:
KayLea - 46.8%
SuAnn- 33.3%
Austin- 29.4%
Angie N.- 28.6%
Lori B. 27%
Nikki- 25%
Kelli- 25%
Sheila F- 23.9%
Sheila G- 21.1%
Stevie- 19.1%
Crystal- 16%
Milissa- 14.2%
Chad A- +2%, but +17# on KB swings






Congratulations Dewayne Madden, our member of the month for September! I've never come across anyone with such a positive attitude. He's been with us for 2 years, and he is still as motivated as he was when he started. In the last assessment, he went from 175 reps to 233! That's nearly a 25% improvement! Not only that, but he and his wife, Angie, participated in the Whole 30 and had awesome results. He lost 13 pounds and 4.5" around his waist, while Angie lost 20 pounds and 3.5". You guys are a great inspiration!-------

Tuesday @ Training Room- 5am, 8:30, 9:30 yoga, 10:30, 4:15pm, 5:45

3 Rounds 5:00 AMRAP of: 10 Burpees 10 Pull-ups 10 Thrusters 53/35kg 1:00 Rest


Tuesday @ Forsythe Park- 5:45pm Wednesday @ Forsythe Park- 5am Wednesday @ Training Room- 5am, 8:30, 9:30 yoga, 10:30, 4:15pm, 5:45

24 Snatches 24 Pistols 400m KB Farmers Carry 24/16kg (1 KB in each hand) 24 Snatches 24 Pistols




Congratulations, KayLea Brantley! KayLea has been our member of the month for July because she was most improved on the last assessment. She improved by... get this... 66%! That's HUGE!!! Woot-woot! Way to go, KayLea! And in other news... Whole 30 starts TODAY! Yeah! I can't wait to see where we all are 30 days from now :)

Monday @ Forsythe Boat Ramp- 5am, 5:45pm @ Training Room- 5am, 7:30, 8:30, (9:30 yoga), 10:30, 4:15pm, 5:45

For Time 40 HRPU 30 KBS 20 Situps 400m Run 20 Situps 30 KBS 40 HRPU




Way to go, Lori! Thank you for always inspiring us with your positive attitude. Lori is always pushing herself and never stops trying to improve, even with a broken wrist... she lost a pants size WHILE in a cast, by the way ;). Keep at it, Lori! We're proud of you and love having you with us! Tuesday @ Training Room 5am, 7:30, 8:30, (9:30 yoga), 10:30, 4:15, 5:45

For time: 10 HSPU 20 K2E 30 Burpees 40 Box Jumps 50 Dips 60 Pullups 70 HRPU 80 Situps 90 Squats 100 DU


Tuesday @ Forsythe Park- 5:45pm Wednesday @ Forsythe Park & SHS- 5am Wednesday @ Training Room- 7:30am, 8:30, (9:30 open gym), 10:30, 4:15pm, (5:45 open gym)

For time 800m run 30 HSPU (60 pike Push-ups) 800m run




Congratulations, Carmen Parks, our member of the month for May! She earned a free month of membership for being the most improved on the fitness assessment. 35.3% improvement!!! Woohoo! That's what 7 weeks of consistent hard work can do. Keep at it, Carmen! I love that you give it all you have every class, and then ask for more ;) Tuesday@ Training Room 5am, 8:30, (9:30 yoga), 10:30, 11:30, 4:15pm, 5:45 Partners , 3 RFT A- 10 Body rows 6 TGU (3R/3L) B- 20 air squats Then squat hold until A finishes.

Then 200m OH walking lunges with wall ball. Swap as desired. ----------------

Tuesday @ Forsythe Park- 5:45pm Wednesday @ Forsythe Park & SHS- 5am Wednesday @ Training Room- 8:30am, (9:30 yoga), 10:30, 11:30, 4:15pm (5:45pm yoga)

3 RFT 30-20-10 100m run Killers 100m run Frog Thrusters 100m run Bear Squats 100m run Burpees




Congratulations to DeAnn Taylor for being the member of the month for April! DeAnn followed our New Years challenge and got some great results from it! She lost 16lbs and has maintained a paleo lifestyle since starting the challenge. She has even encouraged her mom to try it! Keep up your hard work DeAnn! It's paying off! "Bootcamp, for me, has pushed me beyond what I thought was my physical limit. I have not only experienced weight loss. I have learned a new lifestyle with the help of a great coach encouraging me all the way!"


Training Room Workout Tuesday


Then, for time: 21-15-9 Pullups Ball Slams

800m run*

*only do the run once, after completing the 3 rounds of pull-ups and ball slams


Bootcamp Workout Tuesday & Wednesday

400m Run 40 DU 400m Run 30 DU 400m Run 20 DU 400m Run 10 DU

*Bonus- all jumpropes must be unbroken blue= x3 singles —————————
