We all know a good night's sleep is really important in order to maintain a healthy hormonal balance, decrease inflammation, optimize recovery, and to attain a healthy body composition. But what if you have trouble shutting off the day and falling asleep? Have you tried hypnosis? No, it's not voodoo, and your eyes won't spin in circles. Put on some headphones, get cozy, and you'll be out in no time! Try downloading one of the hypnosis apps by Darren Marks. The total relation track puts me out in no time! It's worth a shot... Safer than medication and it won't hurt at least to try it! Training Room Workout Tuesday

10 mins shoulder mobility

In 15 mins, 4 rounds of: 10 Thrusters 15 Toe to Bar 20 Burpees -then max HSPU in remaining time, if finished before 15 mins *Score= total HSPU

Bootcamp Workout Wednesday

For time 21-15-9 Pistols Sit ups 400m run (do one run after each round)
