Awesome yoga class Wednesday evening! It's great to see you guys taking your flexibility and mobility (ok, lots of strength work too!) as seriously as your training room and bootcamp workouts. I know you are taking your nutrition seriously, too, since we talk about it so often in class. But how about sleep? It comes up every now and then, but do you make getting plenty of sleep a priority? Yesterday, I recommended a relaxation hypnosis app that can help if you have trouble falling asleep, and here are five more tips for a better night's sleep! Training Room Workout Thursday

10 mins DU skill work

EMOM x 12 Min 1-6= 4 pullups* + max burpees Min 7-12= 2 wall walks + max box jumps *Pullups should be strict, if possible. Add weight if 4 are easy for you! If you can't do strict pullups, but can kip them, go with that. To modify further, go with 4 eccentric or 8 jumping pullups. No band assisted pullups for this one... You won't have time to get in and out of those bands!

Score= total reps of burpees+ box jumps


Friday Thursday & Friday

Card Game Hearts= KBS Diamonds= goblet squats Clubs= spiderman pushup (aka reptile pushup) Spades= SDHP
