Octane Training will be back to our regular schedule starting at 9:30am tomorrow! We will not be holding the 5am and 8:30am classes. We will have yoga at 9:30am, and workouts at 10:30am, 12:30pm, 4:15pm and 5:45pm. I know you all have cabin fever, so get out and come join us! Training Room Workout Thursday

4 sets, heavy (choose a weight that you can get 8-10 reps with) Rest 90 sec between sets Single SLDL (8-10 per leg) Goblet squats

Then, 15 min AMRAP 20 push press 10 broad jumps 8 toe to bar (toe to wall)


Bootcamp Workout Friday

Valentine Partners- tag team! A- run 200m B- work through card deck *Lay entire deck out, face up. Do not change order of cards. Each pair works though the cards from left to right until they finish the deck or run out of time. When A returns from run, he/she takes over where B left off, etc.

Diamonds- HRPU Hearts- KB sumo squat Clubs- wall balls (KB wall balls if outside) Spades- Butterfly situps with KB Joker= 10 burpees

30 min cutoff

Face cards = 10 Ace = 11
