Training Room WorkoutTuesday


10 Deck Squat Pistols, weighted if possible (5R/ 5L) (or regular deck squats or Air squats x2)

60 sec L-Sit, accumulated (30 sec)


21-15-9 Thrusters Pullups


Bootcamp Workout Tuesday & Wednesday

Partners, for time: 100m Traveling KB Swings 100m Walking Lunges 100m Partner Piggyback (200m KB carry)

Partners travel to the 50m mark and back for each 100m pass. At “go”, one partner starts traveling swings while the other runs to the 50, back to start, and then towards the 50 again to catch their partner. Then partners swap- the runner now takes over the swings, and the swinger runs from where they left off to the 50, back to start, and then to their partner. Tag team continues in this way until the kettlebell winds up back at the start. Walking lunges are performed the same way. For the piggy back, partners can swap as needed, as long as no forward motion is made unless only one partner has their feet touching the ground. Alternately, partners can do a 200m kettlebell carry.
