Join health and wellness coach Ashley White in the training room this Saturday! She will be leading a seminar on the 10 keys to health and wellness. You will learn all the basics to help you navigate the road to the healthiest "you". This seminar is open to anyone! Cost is $10 per person, cash or check (made out to Ashley White) only, please. It will start at 9:30am, immediately following our 8:30am workout. Training Room Workout Thursday

For time 800m Run (400m) 60 DU (180 singles) 50 Wall Balls (25 Wall Balls) 40 Situps with ball (crunches) 30 Box Jumps (step ups per leg, or broad jumps) 20 Toe to Bar (Toe to wall) 10 Wall Walks (Feet elevated shoulder taps, per arm) 800m Run (400m)


Bootcamp Workout Friday

For time E2MOM 100m run, starting with run

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 KB Swings Goblet Squats

Blue zone= drop run to 50m
