Tuesday @ Training Room5am, 8:30, (9:30 yoga), 10:30, 11:30, 4:15, 5:45

12 min AMRAP 6 Pistols (3/3) 9 Chin Ups 12 KBS, (53/44#) -then- 2 min accumulated L sit hold (knees can be bent, but may not fall below hip level) 15 wall balls every pause


12 min AMRAP 12 kneeling lunges or air squats 9 Chin Ups (w/band) or ring rows 12 KBS (adjust weight) -then- 2 min accumulated L sit hold (knees can be bent, but may not fall below hip level) or hollow body hold 15 wall balls every pause


Tuesday @ Forsythe Park- 5:45pm Wednesday @ Forsythe Park & SHS- 5am Wednesday @ Training Room- 8:30am, (9:30 yoga), 10:30, 11:30, 4:15, 5:45

Burpee hundred! For time.

10 Burpees 10 Burpee killers (1 per leg at top) 10 Burpee K2E (1 per leg at bottom), chest doesn't go to ground) 10 Burpee squat hold (don't open hips at top) 10 Burpee + 1 HR push-up 10 Burpee broad jumps 10 Right leg burpees 10 Left leg burpees 10 Shoulder tap burpees (1 per hand, chest doesn't go to ground) 10 Burpees

All burpees are chest to ground, unless otherwise noted


5 reps of each instead of 10. Modify each burpee as needed (lunges in place of killers, etc)
