21 Day Sugar Detox kickoff meeting is this Saturday at about 9:30am, immediately following the 8:30am workout. Come get all the details so you'll be ready to start the challenge with us on Monday! The meeting is open to anyone, so recruit as many friends and family members to join you as you can!
EMOM x 15 min
10 Wall Balls
Remainder of minute, perform max effort burpees
Score is rounds and burpees completed
Death by HRPU!
Add 5 reps each min. Once you can't complete your prescribed reps in a given minute, you're out. Score is number of reps completed in last finished round.
Death by 10m
EMOM run 10m
Every minute, add one more run until you can't complete all of your runs in a given minute. Touch the ground at every change of direction!