Who says white man can't jump?!  Dewayne got some air!

Who says white man can't jump?!  Dewayne got some air!

Don't forget about the Octane Christmas party this Friday!  The shin-dig starts at 7pm at Skatetown Monroe.  Bring a dish to share, and a wrapped gift ($20 or less) for the dirty Santa game, if you'd like to participate.  And bring the family!  Kids can bring a wrapped ornament for the kid version of the dirty Santa game.  See you all there!



For time: 

30 Box jumps (24″/20″)

30 Jumping Pull-ups (if you can do strict pull-ups, skip the jumping option!)

30 KB Swings 

30 Walking Lunges

30 Knees to Elbows

30 Push Press 

30 Good Mornings 

30 Wallball 

30 Burpees

30 Double-Unders




12 min AMRAP

A- 3 rounds

10 Frog Thrusters

8 Squat Jumps

4 Burpees

B: Plank Hold

Reps don't count unless "B" is holding plank.  After "A" finishes 3 rounds, partners swap.  
