

Before starting the warmup, you are going to spend 10 minutes rolling out.  Not just aimless rolling (which really does nothing), but rolling with purpose and intent!  It takes at least 2 minutes to affect a change in the soft tissues, so your goal is to find any trigger points or areas with poor range of motion, and work them (slowly mashing, and working back and forth, up and down) for a solid 2 minutes before moving on.  Since the workout today is all about running, focus on your hips, glutes, hamstrings, calves and feet.  You won't have time to spend 2 minutes on each area, so pick the spots where you need it most, dig in, and BREATHE.  At the end of the 2 minute mark, you should feel some sort of change in the tissue you're working.

5 x 400m Run
Rest 1:1

These runs are all out efforts!  You should be attempting to achieve your best 400m run time on each interval.  Be sure to keep moving during the rest periods... WALK!  Do not sit or lay flat on your back as soon as you run through the door!  Keep moving, breathing and shaking it out.  
