

Join us at Run to the Battle this weekend!  North Monroe Baptist Church is hosting this 5k, 10k or 1 mile fun run on Saturday morning to raise money for their missions.  We will not be holding our regular Saturday morning class this weekend, and hope that you all will join us there instead!  We will meet up at DeWayne and Angie Madden's later for a huge bonfire... Details to come!  Sign up for the run here:


Next round of assessments starts today!  This workout will be retested at the end of April.  Go ALL OUT!  The only way to get a true picture of your progress is to give this everything you've got!



For 8 mins:

3 Inchworms with pushup

10 Squats

20 Mountain Climbers (total)

30 Hip Bridges (15R/15L)



4 RFT, 20 min cutoff

20 Burpees

30 Push-ups

40 Sit-ups

50 Squats

