100 Days of Real Food

I know, 100 days seems like a long time, but don't panic!  We've done this challenge before, but only for 30 days, and we had the most participation in this program than in any of the others we've done.  It's TOALLY DOABLE.  We will start on the Monday following Labor Day, which is September 14, and will finish on December 23... just in time for Christmas!  Yes, that means we will all be eating real food for Thanksgiving, but I think that is going to be the best part of the challenge.  Real Thanksgiving food will be a great test for all of us!  And honestly, real Turkey, sweet potatoes and green beans are what it's all about anyway.  No problem there ;)  You can even have your wine and pumpkin pie!  Just be sure to make a whole wheat crust...

The purpose of this challenge is not deprivation... it's to be sure everything you put into your body is actually real food!  None of the processed pseudo-food stuff that lines much of the grocery store shelves.  

Taken directly from 100daysofrealfood.com, here are the rules:

What you CAN eat:

  1. Whole foods that are more a product of nature than a product of industry

  2. Lots of fruits and vegetables (we recommend that you shop for these at your local farmers’ market)

  3. Dairy products like milk, unsweetened yogurt, eggs, and cheese

  4. 100% whole-wheat and whole-grains (find a local bakery for approved sandwich bread and check the Understanding Grains post for more info)

  5. Seafood (wild caught is the optimal choice over farm-raised)

  6. Only locally raised meats such as pork, beef, and chicken (preferably in moderation)

  7. Beverages limited to water, milk, all natural juices, naturally sweetened coffee & tea, and, to help the adults keep their sanity, wine and beer!

  8. Snacks like dried fruit, seeds, nuts and popcorn

  9. All natural sweeteners including honey, 100% maple syrup, and fruit juice concentrates are acceptable in moderation

  10. Also check out the Recipes & Resources page for a more detailed list of meal options including links to recipes

What you CANNOT eat:

  1. No refined grains such as white flour or white rice (items containing wheat must say WHOLE wheat…not just “wheat”)

  2. No refined sweeteners such as sugar, any form of corn syrup, cane juice, or the artificial stuff like Splenda

  3. Nothing out of a box, can, bag, bottle or package that has more than 5 ingredients listed on the label

  4. No deep fried foods

  5. No “fast foods”

For more info, visit the 100 Days of Real Food website.  There's also a book, which is a great resource and is full of recipes.  I'll leave my copy at the gym for you guys to flip through.  Start getting your mind right, folks.  You have less than 2 weeks to clear out the junk food and start shopping for the good stuff!
