
Week 2

Goal: Hydration

Your goal this week is to drink AT LEAST 2 to 3 liters (about 70-100 oz) of water every day.  Spike your water with salt or electrolytes between meals for maximum absorption.  Record your daily water intake in your training journal.  

Not being properly hydrated can cost you as much as 11% of your VO2 max (the indicator of how much oxygen your body can process for sustained power output) and keeps your joints and sliding surfaces within your soft tissues from sliding and gliding properly.  By skipping something as simple as drinking enough water, you’re leaving your maximum performance ability on the table, and your muscles and connective tissues may be left as stiff and brittle as dried out beef jerky.

If your hydration levels are running low, there is less blood available for circulation.  Since blood is your body’s oxygen delivery system, less blood means less oxygen and nutrients are being delivered to your working muscles.  Not only that, but your joints and sliding surfaces will suffer, as well.  Dehydration can glue things together, preventing proper range of motion and causing joints to grind.  

In his book, “Ready to Run”, Dr Kelly Starrett tells us that staying properly hydrated means a little more than drinking water throughout the day, though.  Sometimes, we can drink water all day long, constantly run to the bathroom to empty our bladders, and still feel thirsty.  What’s the deal with that?!  This is evidence that your body isn’t actually absorbing the water.  The fix for this is to add electrolytes to your water!  There are a variety of electrolyte tablets and powders available (steer clear of sugar!) that will add flavor to your water and ensure that your body is actually absorbing it.  An easier option is to simply add a pinch of sea salt… not enough to make your water taste like the ocean; just a pinch.  When you’re drinking water with a meal, this isn’t necessary, since your food probably contains sodium.  When drinking water between meals, though, ensure you’re absorbing it by adding salt or electrolytes. 



Box breathing/ rolling trouble spots/ ROM drills
Jumping Jacks
Air Squats
Arm Circles (fwd/ bkwd)

5 Rounds
5 Double Strict Press

Work Capacity
For time
1 mile run
12/12 Strict Presses
20 Ring Rows

Shoulder Mobility

Record workout in your journal.  How did you do?  How did you feel?  Did you focus on deep breathing techniques and how did it affect you?  What could you have done better?  

Don’t forget to record your total daily water intake in your journal, and also write down whether or not you get in some box breathing during the day.
