
"It turns out that breathing is free medicine, and the daily practice of breath control will lead to optimal health and longer life." 

-From Mark Devine's book, Unbeatable Mind


Box breathing/ rolling trouble spots/ ROM drills
500m Run
3 Rounds
5/5 Walking Lunges
10 Pushups
15 Situps

Work Capacity
20 min AMRAP
25m Walking Lunges
10 Burpees
25m jog back to start

Yoga hip mobility or active stretch.

Record workout in your journal.  How did you do?  How did you feel?  Did you focus on deep breathing techniques and how did it affect you?  What could you have done better?  

Don’t forget to record your total daily water intake in your journal, and also write down whether or not you get in some box breathing during the day.
