
We're on day 4 of our hydration goal!  You should all be getting in at least 70-100 ounces of water daily.  Even better than just tracking how much water you get in, is to see how hydrated you really are.  I like to geek out on this stuff, so I love being able to measure everything!  If you really want to see if you're getting in enough water, purchase some Rapid Response Urine Dipstick test strips.  You can get 100 strips for about $12 on Amazon (although they're currently sold out!  They are available here or you can search Amazon for any urine test strips that measure Specific Gravity.).  It's the only surefire way to know if you're hydrated well enough.  The marker you're looking for is Specific Gravity.  If you're properly hydrated, your value will lie between 1.005 and 1.015.  When you approach 1.020, you're starting to slip and are about 1% shy from optimal total body water volume.  If you hit 1.025, that's even worse and you need to drink up!

These Rapid Response strips will test more than your hydration levels, and some other values that may be of interest for you guys are the Leukocytes and Protein.  If you train hard one day, and your Leukocytes are elevated the next day (showing purple on the strip), then it would be wise to back off a bit that day and really focus on recovery measures- nutrition, sleep, hydration (which you're already doing!), perhaps some immune- boosting vitamins and minerals.  The same applies to protein; in the hours following a workout, your protein levels may be elevated, and that's normal.  However, if levels are still elevated the following day (showing green on the strip), then it would be smart to back off that day and focus on recovery.  Feel free to come to class and use the time to roll out, and do some easy rowing, practice some skill work, or go through the workout of the day at an easy pace for you.  


Box breathing/ rolling trouble spots/ ROM drills

4 Rounds
30 sec DU practice (or singles)
10 Walking Lunges
10 Shoulder Taps

Work Capacity
10 Rounds
20 DU
10 Air Squats
20 Mountain Climbers per leg
10 Pushups

Slow run- whatever time permits after finishing Work Capacity.

Yoga (any form) or active stretch

Record workout in your journal.  How did you do?  How did you feel?  Did you focus on deep breathing techniques and how did it affect you?  What could you have done better?  

Don’t forget to record your total daily water intake in your journal, and also write down whether or not you get in some box breathing during the day.
