
I forgot to post yesterday about the attendance challenge!  Our annual holiday attendance challenge started on Tuesday, Nov 1 and runs through Dec 31.  The goal is to attend a total of 36 classes over the 2 months.  As soon as you hit 36, you get to take a tee shirt!  We only have a limited number of shirts in each size to give away, so they're first come, first served!  The sooner you hit your total, the sooner you get to pick your shirt.  Yoga classes count toward your total, too!



Joint mobility drills

3 Rounds

10/10 Bird Dog
10 Prisoner Squats
20 Singles
100m Run


Work Capacity

35 min cutoff

200m Run
20 Ball Slams
1 Wall Walk

400m Run
40 KBS
2 Wall Walks

800m Run
80 DU (240 singles)
3 Wall Walks

400m Run
40 KB Swings
2 Wall Walks

200m Run
20 Ball Slams
1 Wall Walk

3 Rounds
400m Run
-20 Ball Slams round 1

-30 KBS round 2
-60 Singles round 3
1 Wall Walk


