
Today starts the second and final month of the attendance challenge!  The goal is to attend 36 classes during November and December to earn your shirt, and so far, here are the highest attendance numbers:

Amanda Hogan- 17
Milissa Heusel- 16
KayLea Brantley- 15
Porsha Adams- 15




Mobility/ ROM drills

3 Rounds
1/1 TGU
3 KB drag + DL
3 Prying GSQ
Bear Crawl

Work Capacity

You go, I go x 4 Rounds*
Double Kettlebells

Strict Press x 3
Front Squat x 3
Thruster x 5
Batwings (double bent over row) x 5
Push Press x 8
Double KBS x 8

*Never put the kettlebells down!  When it's your partner's turn to work, you must hold your kettlebells in the racked position.  At the end of each round, partners may set the kettlebells down and rest as needed before starting the next round.

Then 20:20 x 8


30 sec each x 3
Hollow Body


