

This is the final week of the SEAL training program... so what next?!  Well, we've had such great feedback from this programming, that we've decided we aren't ready to stop quite yet!  On Monday of next week, we will be repeating the first SEAL workout we did, which was your first assessment, so you can see how far you've come in the past 8 weeks.  We will stick with the SEAL style of programming throughout the week, and will have a big SEAL graduation workout on Saturday.  So mark your calendars!  On Saturday, March 5 at 8:30am, we will test the physical and mental toughness you worked so hard on building during this program.  There will be an individual and a partner option for the workout and a sign up sheet will be posted at the gym, so get your name on it!  It's going to be tough, but you know that with our crew, there will always be some fun involved, too. ;)

Some of the greatest parts of the SEAL programming for us were the very specific routines from start to finish... the box breathing, baseline, and post workout yoga and active stretching rituals.  In all my years of teaching these classes, I can safely say that this has been the first time I have had the entire class so actively participating in the pre- and post- workout sections so well!  So you better believe that we will be sticking with them!  We intend to keep many of the elements we learned and had great success with during the SEAL training program, and will incorporate the Strongfirst style kettlebell training that we love so much, as well.  I think these will go together seamlessly to provide some fantastic training for you guys!   

Box breathing/ rolling trouble spots
ROM drills

400m Run
400m Run
15 Double Push Press

10 Rounds
3 Push Press

Work Capacity
For Time
*5 Muscle Ups
50 DU
4 Muslce Ups
40 DU
3 Muscle Ups
30 DU
2 Muscle Ups
20 DU
1 Muscle Up
10 DU

*Modify muscle ups to 3 pullups + 3 dips for each rep.  For example, 5 muscle ups would modify to 15 pull-ups + 15 dips.  4 muscle ups would modify to 12 pull-ups + 12 dips, etc


Recovery run in whatever time remains.

Yoga shoulder mobility.

Record workout results in training journal.
Continue with all weekly goals so far, and remember to create a daily goal to focus on each morning, and record it in your journal.
