Coming up this weekend... our SEAL graduation workout on Saturday!  For 8 weeks, you have worked on skills to improve your concentration, mental toughness, work capacity and recovery. Come put your hard work to the test!  The final workout in the SEAL programming is Crossfit's Murph, so this is what we'll be doing.  You can choose to do this workout individually, or scale it back by completing it with a partner.  Remember, part of the SEAL training is about learning how to work as a team, so this is perfectly acceptable!  If you haven't been with us during the full 8 weeks of this program, I would especially encourage you to work with a partner.  The details of the workout, along with a sign up sheet, will be posted at the gym all week.  Be sure to get your name on there!  After the workout, you will have plenty of time to roll out and stretch, and then relax with some coffee and breakfast goodies.  This will be a longer workout than usual, so plan to spend a couple hours of your morning with us!  Candy will be following this up with a fantastic yoga recovery session on Sunday.  It's going to be a great weekend at the gym!  I strongly encourage you all to attend both days, to really reap the rewards of all the SEAL training you've completed.

Results on January 4. 

Results on January 4. 


Final Assessment!  Compare your results with the first SEAL training workout from January 4. 

Box breathing/ rolling trouble spots
ROM drills

3 Rounds
200m Run
10 Air Squats
10/10 Arm Circles

5 Rounds

5 Double FSQ (modify to GSQ)

Work Capacity
For time

500m Run
40 Air Squats
30 Butterfly Situps
10 Pullups (kipping is fine, but chin must clear the bar!  Modify with band, jumping pullups, or ring rows)

8 x 200m sprints with walk back

Yoga or active stretch.
