The 5am crew kicked the day off with some fantastic improvements on the assessment!  We saw some great stuff from everyone all day!  If you missed it today and would like to make it up, you can do the assessment any day this week during an…

The 5am crew kicked the day off with some fantastic improvements on the assessment!  We saw some great stuff from everyone all day!  If you missed it today and would like to make it up, you can do the assessment any day this week during another class. 

Since we don't have a goal of the week to follow this week, I want you to look back on the goals you worked on during the last 8 weeks, and consider which ones made the biggest difference for you.  The box breathing, hydration, nutrition and sleep goals are physical goals that I encourage you all to stick with until they become habits!  The mental goals were practicing gratitude (week 5), setting a daily focus or goal each morning (week 6), positive internal dialogue (week 7), and to unplug for a full day to practice being in the moment (week 8).  Reflect back on which of these made the biggest impact for you and keep them going!  If you skipped over any of the goals during the past 8 weeks, I challenge you to go back and focus on them, one at a time.  


Box breathing/ rolling trouble spots
ROM drills

400m Run
inchworms + pushup, length of gym
Inverted toe touch, length of gym
400m Run
Bear crawl, down and back
Squat skips, down and back

Work Capacity
For time
30 Thrusters (double KB)
15 Strict Toe to Bar
30 Wall Balls
15 Kipping Toe to Bar
30 Goblet Squats
15 V-Ups

2 Rounds
25 Good Mornings
200m Run

Yoga or active stretch.

Keep up with your journal!
