Monthly Goal: Be of Service

Even though our 8 weeks of SEAL training are over, there are a lot of great things we took away from it that I intend to keep as part of our regular program at Octane.  One of those items is the class protocol; the baseline (which is not just a warmup, but includes box breathing and range of motion drills, and is at times a bit more of a workout in itself), and the durability after the workout, which includes a range of things that are important for recovery.

Another great take-away from the SEAL program was the weekly goals that we incorporated.  Getting into shape, or getting and staying healthy, entails so much more than physical training.  If Octane only provides you with workouts that you attend 3-5 times per week, then I don't feel like we're doing a very good job of helping you reach your potential.  The weekly goals gave you something to focus on outside of the gym, which is where almost all of your time is spent!  Afterall, you aren't going to be able to come into the gym for one hour a day and undo everything else you've done during the other 23 hours of your day.  What you do outside of the gym counts, too, and if we can help guide you toward healthier habits at home, well, then we're really getting somewhere!

For the rest of this year, I'm going to give you a monthly goal, so you can spend a full month trying to establish the goal as a habit.  The goals can be physical (for example, nutrition based) or mental (maybe something to cultivate optimism).  That being said, the goal for this month is to find ways to be of service.  Look for a way that you can help someone else out or make someone's day brighter.  It can be something like mowing a neighbor's lawn for them or holding the door open for a stranger.  Call a friend or family member to let them know you're thinking about them, or do a small chore that your spouse would appreciate.  It can be anything!  The point is that you are focusing on finding something you can do for someone else.  



Box breathing/ rolling trouble spots
ROM drills

3 Rounds
1/1 Arm Bar Stretch
15 second Prying Goblet Squat
10 Good Mornings
100m Run

5 Rounds
5 Double Front Squats

Work Capacity
3 Rounds for time
400m Run
10 Strict TTB
10 Burpee Broad Jumps

3 Rounds
20 Hollow Rocks (modify to 20 sec Hollow Body Hold)
Couch/ Suicide stretch- 30 sec per side

Yoga or active stretch.
