What's better than burpees and broad jumps?  Burpee broad jumps! 

What's better than burpees and broad jumps?  Burpee broad jumps! 


Box breathing/ rolling trouble spots
ROM drills

3 Rounds
200m Run
10 Walking Lunges
Bear Crawl length of gym
10 OH Squats with PVC

Work Capacity
4 min AMRAP
12 Wall Balls
12 Situps

Rest 1 min

4 min AMRAP
12 Ball Slams
12 Box Jumps

Rest 1 min

Then, 800m Run For Time

Accumulate 2 min in prying goblet squat (Heels flat on floor, chest up!  Instead of holding a KB, students can get in front of pull-up rig and hold on to the beam for support, if they can’t keep from falling backwards.  Trying to work on ankle flexibility, so heels down is important.)

Yoga or active stretch.
