
Girls' Night Out!

We have two outings on the schedule for the ladies... On Friday, July 1 and also on Friday, August 12.  We will be taking a pole aerobics class at Pole Fitness Boutique in West Monroe.  It will start at 6:30pm and the class is 1 hour and 15 minutes long.  We'll head out for dinner and drinks after.  This will be fun!!  They can take 15 people at a time, so get signed up as soon as possible!  Use your MindBody app or head to the schedule page and register for the "Girls' Night Out" class on either date (or both!).  The cost is $15 per person, assuming we have a full class.



Tonight's yoga class is going to be a bit different!  Candy is out of town, so Shannon is going to be leading a rolling and stretching class.  We're going to focus on the areas that tend to get tightly bound from extended periods of sitting.  If you spend a lot of time at a desk, working on a computer, or staring at a phone, come join in and learn how to perform maintenance on yourself to help prevent tight, slumping shoulders and tension headaches.  We'll also talk a bit about posture and tips for those of you who have no choice but to sit all day.  Open to all- $8 drop-in for non members!

3 Rounds
100m Run
30 sec Jumprope
20 sec Flutter Kicks
Bear Crawl

Work Capacity
30 min*
200m Run
12 Toe To Bar
400m Run
40 DU

*Obviously, this is not an all-out effort!  Try to find an efficient pace that allows you to keep moving the whole time.  If this means that you plan some walk/run intervals during the runs, that's perfect!  Just try to keep moving, and remember to BREATHE.

Roll calves
