
Metabolic Cycle

We're starting a new program today, guys!  The strength exercises are the same, but the rep schemes are different. For the past 8 weeks, you have been working in the 3-5 rep range, and this week, we're kicking things up into the 6-12 rep range.  Rather than strength building, the target here is more metabolic, which means we're working on leanness.  You'll have to go a bit lighter, but the strength gains you made during the kettlebell challenge will be very beneficial, because you'll be able to start with more weight for these sets now than you could have before.

For the next 4 weeks, we will stay in the 6-12 rep range, but we'll vary from 1 to 4 sets on different days.  The exercises themselves will also be more personalized to your ability.  The progressions for every exercise will be posted on the wall in the gym, so you will be able to choose the appropriate progression for you, and once you're getting 12 reps at that progression consistently, you'll move to the next level of progression.  

During the rests, you'll have various mobility exercises to do, but you are always encouraged to work on any mobility exercise you feel you need in place of the one that's assigned.  After the strength work, you'll still see intervals or endurance work, as always!  



3 Rounds
100m Run
10 Frog Thrusters
10 Samson Stretch

2 sets, 6-12 reps
1A Military Press
1B KB Squat
1C 30-60 sec Roll Feet

2A Bent Over Row
2B KB Swing
2C 30-60 sec Roll Calves

Work Capacity
Box Jumps
50m Sprint/ Walk Back

*As soon as you finish your box jumps, sprint out the door to the 50m mark as fast as possible.  Walk back, and start again
