
It's going to be hot for those runs, guys!  Please drink plenty of water during the day BEFORE class so that you're well hydrated before you start.


3 Rounds
100m Run
10 Walking Lunges
30 Singles
20 sec Hollow Body

Work Capacity
4 Rounds, 16 min cutoff
400m Run
10 Toe To Bar or V-Ups
60 second plank

Then, 4 min AMRAP
Max Effort unbroken DU*

*Every time you stop, perform 1 burpee +1 (the first time you stop, do 1 burpee.  The second time you stop, do 2 burpees.  The third time, do 3 burpees, etc).  Modify with unbroken singles or you can switch to singles with the battling jumprope.

Roll/ Stretch calves
