
Today starts a new 4 week training phase!  We just finished up our muscular endurance phase (10-20 reps per set) and are now moving to working on strength.  For this, our rep scheme will be between 2-6 reps for each strength set.  Time to start moving some heavier weight!  Make sure you are recording your weights/ exercise progressions and reps for every set in your training journal.  Because you ALL are using a training journal by now... RIGHT?! ;)


Mobility drills, 1x
with PVC:
10 Pass Throughs
5/5 Figure 8s
10 OH Squats

Then, 3x
TGU (up only)
3 Press
3 Windmills
TGU (back down)
Repeat other side

3 x 2-6
1A Bent Over Row
1B Front Squat
1C 60- 120 mobility- your choice

2A KB Floor Press*
2B Single Leg DL
2C 60-120 sec mobility- your choice

*Floor presses are replacing pushups in this phase.  However, if you're still working up to being able to do 6 solid pushups from your toes, then you will stick with pushups here!


Work Capacity
Single Arm Swings- L
Snatches- L
Two Hand Swings
Single Arm Swings- R
Snatches- R

Roll out and stretch
