
Don't forget that today is the LAST day to register for BodEvolve, and 12:00pm is the cutoff time.  Octane members who want to sign up need to let me know- for some reason, the 50% discount isn't automatically applying as it should, so I'll need to do it for you manually.  It's going to be a great program, and I'm excited to get his started!



Just ONE around! 

400m Run

Bear Crawl

20 Prisoner Squats

20 Situps

20 Supermans

400m Run



4x 2-6

1A Pistol

1B Handstand Pushup

1C 30 sec/ 30 sec Brettzel


2A Pullup

2B Hardstyle Situp

2C 30 sec/ 30 sec Couch Stretch


 Work Capacity

You go, I go

30-20-30-20 KB Swing



Rolling/ Stretching


