
Those of you who were with us at this time last year surely remember this workout.  Before you panic and decide you'll be skipping class tomorrow, remember that this will be modified for you as needed!   Up to this point in the program, you haven't even seen many pullups, so to jump in and crank out 100 of them tomorrow may not very wise for most of you.  Last year, we had finished a long cycle of the fighter pullup progression before starting the SEAL program, so we were a bit more prepared for this one...

As always, the workouts at Octane are intended to help you improve yourself, rather than compete against anyone else.  So we intend to scale this to suit your individual needs to help you accomplish that.  Those of you who feel ready can certainly go through this workout as written, and I know many of you thrive on these challenges!  Those of you who aren't quite there yet will have many options to make this workout work for you.  



Box breathing/ rolling trouble spots/ ROM drills

400m Run
3 Rounds
5 Air Squats
5 Squat Jumps
5 Pushups
5 Situps


5 Rounds
5 Double Front Squats

Work Capacity

Crossfit’s Angie
For Time

100 Pullups (modify with bands, as jumping pull-ups or ring rows)
100 Pushups
100 Situps
100 Air Squats

* All reps must be completed of one exercise before moving to the next.  Modify by splitting the reps as desired (10x 10 of each exercise, for example), or doing this as a partner workout.



Yoga or active stretch.
