
Week 6

Goal of the week- Focus

Every morning, come up with one goal to focus on that day.  It can be something you want to accomplish, or something you feel would make the day awesome.  Write it in your journal in the morning, and check it off at night.

Each day is an opportunity to get closer to your goals.  The only way to work toward your larger goals is to take one step toward them every single day.  So, before you start your day, decide on one thing you can do that will move you in the direction you want to go, and get it down on paper. 

Maybe you have a lot of piddly things hanging over your head that you need to work through, and they don’t have anything at all to do with your long term goals.  That’s ok!  Pick one thing that needs to be done, and make that your goal.  Those baskets of laundry that need to be folded may not be part of your long term goals, but taking care of those little things DO actually help clear the path for you to keep moving forward.  And it always helps to be able to check that one item off your list in the evening and feel like you have done something productive every single day.  Keep in mind that your goal one day may be to kick your feet up and actually take 15 minutes to yourself and relax.  Doing nothing can be productive for you, too!  Anything that meets a current need or desire, or something that will make you happy counts.  The point is to focus on what is important to you, and get it done.  Add focus to every single day, to ensure that you use each one to move in the direction you desire to go. 




Box breathing/ rolling trouble spots

ROM drills

400m Run
15 Air Squats
400m Run
15 GSQ


3 Double KB Front Squats

Work Capacity

30 Situps
25 KB Swings
20 Squat Jumps


60 sec Plank
10 Good Mornings

Hip mobility

