
Did you test your heart rate variability this morning?  If it was low, slow your roll today!  Scale things back and make this an active recovery session by keeping your heart rate below 75% of your max.  Skip squat jumps and go with air squats.  Take longer rests if needed.  And make that mile run an easy jog or row!



PVC mobility

10/10 bird dogs
10 OH squats with PVC
10 ball slams
20 mountain climbers


Work Capacity

20 squat jumps, butt to ball*
rest 30 sec
20/20 bent over rows
rest 30 sec
30 sec hollow hold
rest 30 sec

*Jump as high as you can!  As soon as your squat jumps slow down or lose height, switch to squats.  The goal is to finish all 20 without losing tempo.

Start the next exercise/set as soon as your 30 second rest is over.  Don’t be tempted to rest longer!


Rest at least 5 minutes, then:

1 mile run for time

Record your time on the whiteboard!  This may be an assessment ;)



roll and box breathing
