
Primal Training

For the next 60 days, we’ll be doing a Primal Training program. This is a minimalist program that’ll bring us back to the basics. We’ll do just enough to improve our power, strength, and conditioning, with no extra fluff. It’s all about maximizing efficiency! These workouts will be short but to the point. There will be a lot of repetition, however, and as monotonous as it may feel, trust me that this is necessary in order to progress. Give each one of these simple workouts all of your effort, remain consistent about showing up, and you’ll see great improvements when we re-test Simple & Sinister at the end of the program!

Primal Nutrition

We’re also going back to the basics with the nutrition recommendations. Over the course of the next 60 days, these are your weekly guidelines:

  • 4 low carb days (100g or less of total carbs, shoot for 30g fiber)

  • 1 high carb day (100-200g of total carbs, shoot for 30g fiber)

  • 2 modified fasting days (women= 500 calories, men =600 calories)

That’s it. No need to track everything- just pay attention to your carb intake, and on those modified fasting days, count your total calories.

As far as what types of foods you should be eating, stick with foods as close to how they appear in nature as possible. Potatoes are great, potato chips aren’t. A bowl of oatmeal works, but oatmeal raisin cookies… not so much. On your non-fasting days, be sure to include a good source of protein at every meal (at least 3x daily), along with as many veggies as you can get in. There aren’t any food groups that are off limits, but focus on high quality, nutrient dense foods across the board. Avoid packaged snack foods and go for fruit, nuts, seeds, etc, if you need a little something to eat between meals.

On your modified fasting days, continue to stick with high quality, nutrient dense foods, but get in those calories however you prefer. You can divide the calories up into several snacks, or save them all for one decent meal. Just keep in mind that fruits and veggies will be the lowest calorie foods, so you’ll get more “bulk” in your belly by focusing on those.



10/10 bird dogs
5 pushup to downdog
5/5 BU press
5/5 bent over rows


1-2-3-4-1-2-3-4 double push press

1-2-3-4-1-2-3-4 HSPU

1-2-3-4-1-2-3-4 pull-up

15s-30s-45s-60s farmer carry

Do one push press, then set the kettlebells down.  Rest as needed, then perform a set of 2.  Rest, then do 3, etc.  Go as heavy as possible and rest as needed between each set to maintain maximum strength.  After completing both 1-4 ladders of push presses, move to HSPU and repeat the cycle.


2-4-6-8-10 swings
1-2-3-4-5 GSQ

Do 2 swings, 1 GSQ, 4 swings, 2 GSQ, etc.  Don’t set the KB down until you complete the full set.  Rest as needed between sets.



Roll and stretch  
