

Guess what?  We are DONE with our 60 day Primal Body program!  So you know what that means.... today is assessment day!  Time to see what kind of progress you made in those last 60 days.


PVC mobility + stick DL

3/3 halos
3 prying GSQ
5 good mornings
1/1 naked get up

2/2 light TGU
10 deadstop swings


 Simple & Sinister test


Choose the heaviest weight in which you feel like you can accomplish all the given reps with good form (maintaining the standards outlined by Strongfirst, below).  The weights given above are the prescribed weights for accomplishing the Simple and Sinister standards.  This doesn’t mean you’re expected to use those weights!  


Roll, stretch, alligator breathing.


One-Arm Swing Standards

1. The back is neutral. The neck is slightly extended or neutral on the bottom of the swing.
2. The heels, toes, and the balls of the feet are planted, and the knees track the toes.
3. The working shoulder is packed.
4. The kettlebell handle passes above the knees during the backswing.
5. The working arm is straight at the bottom position.
6. There is no forward knee movement on the upswing.
7. The body forms a straight line at the top of the swing. The hips and knees fully extend; the spine is neutral.
8. The kettlebell forms an extension of the forearm at the top of the swing; the arm is almost straight.
9. Inhale on the way down; forcefully exhale on the way up.
10. The abs and glutes visibly contract at the top of the swing.
11. The kettlebell floats for a second at the top of the swing.

Get-Up Standards

1. Use both hands to lift the kettlebell off the ground to the starting position of the floor press and to return it to the ground at the end of the get-up.
2. The wrist on the kettlebell side is neutral.
3. The elbow on the kettlebell side is locked and the shoulder is packed.
4. The shoulder of the free arm does not shrug up.
5. The heel of the foot on the kettlebell side stays planted during the low sweep, the lunge up to standing, and during the reverse of these actions.
6. The knee touches the deck silently on the descent into the half-kneeling position.
7. The arm holding the kettlebell is vertical or almost vertical.
8. The neck is neutral for the top half of the movement, from the lunge up.
9. In the top position, the knees are locked and the lower back does not hyperextend.
The movement is smooth, without jerky transitions.
