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The Kettlebell 42 Challenge Starts in January!


Challenge brings change.

Join us at Octane for Kettlebell 42, kicking off on January 7.  This is an aggressive 6 week kettlebell transformation program designed to build strength, power and athleticism. Of course, burning fat and leaning out is a nice side effect, too!

This program utilizes kettlebells as a foundation, but also includes body weight training and other functional fitness tools we have in the gym.  You’ll progress quickly through three 2 week long blocks.  Commit to the program, show up consistently, and you’ll be amazed at what you can accomplish in only 42 days.

Of course, any effective training program requires solid nutrition, too!  So every week, there will be a nutrition goal to work on at home, too. Each goal will build on the last, so by the end of the 6 weeks, you’ll be over your sugar cravings and will be eating to fire up your metabolism.

Having a team to support you is key to sticking with any new program and that’s what we’re here for!  We’ll tell you exactly what to do inside the gym, help you modify exercises as needed, and ensure you’re doing everything properly to prevent injury.  We’ll give you nutrition guidelines to follow at home, and you’ll have the support of the entire Octane crew, who will be doing all of it alongside you and helping you stay on track.

Commit to the challenge with us for 42 days and stay motivated by the changes you see and feel!



 Will there be an added cost for participating in the challenge?

Kettlebell 42 will be integrated into the class programming at Octane for all members.  There won’t be any extra fees for participation.


Will we be doing Kettlebell workouts every day? 

Kettlebell work will be included (along with bodyweight training and the use of other functional training tools) on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday workouts.   Wednesday and Saturday classes will be active recovery days, which means you’ll be laying off the strength work and focusing on cardio and mobility.  These days may also be used to make up the workout from another day you may have missed earlier in the week.


Will we still be doing a MyZone challenge during this time? 

Yep!  There will still be weekly MEPs goals for you to meet, and as long as you show up to class consistently wearing your heart rate monitor, you will meet those goals!  As always, every time you meet the goal, you’ll be entered into a drawing to win a prize at the end of the challenge. 







5/5 halos
10 good mornings
5/5 BU thrusters



1/1 arm bar + TGU + windmill
5 KB pullovers

12 Pushups
12/12 single leg DL
rest to 75% or a minimum of 1 min

12 double push press
12 KBS
rest to 75% or a minimum of 1 min

30:30 x 5



roll, stretch and alligator breathing




Throwback Thursday :) Thursday @ Training Room- 5am, 8:30, 9:30 yoga, 10:30, 4:15pm, 5:45

Partners A- 100 Double KB Swings (2x 20/12kg) B- Max Butterfly Situps -then- A- 100 Double KB Suitcase Deadlifts B- Max accumulated plank hold ---------

Thursday @ Forsythe Boat Ramp- 5:45pm Friday @ Forsythe Boat Ramp- 5am Friday @ Training Room- 5am, 8:30, 9:30 yoga, 10:30

For time: 4x 400m Run Rest 3:1




Thursday @ Training Room5am, 7:30, 8:30, (9:30 yoga), 10:30, 4:15pm, 5:45

For time

9 min AMRAP 20 Wall Balls 20 Situps

-Rest 2

6 min AMRAP 12 Box Jumps 12 Push Presses per arm

-Rest 2

3 min AMRAP 6 Dive Bombers 6 Killers per leg

----------- Thursday@ Forsythe Park- 5:45pm Friday @ Forsythe Park & SHS- 5am Friday @ Training a Room- 7:30am, 8:30, (9:30 yoga), 10:30

12 min AMRAP 10 Burpees 10 Mountain Climbers per leg 10 Squat Jumps
