Great job on those assessments, guys!  There were awesome improvements all around.  The Fighter Pullup Progression seriously payed off, and the progress is undeniable!  Several of you are now able to do unassisted kipping pullups for the first time, and several of you are now able to do at least one strict pullup!  Logan Cloessner had the most impressive improvement on his pullups... from 8 strict pullups to 16 in one minute!  He had not only the highest pullup number, but the highest total score on the final assessment with 626 points!!!  

The most improved score all around, and winner of one free month of membership is Debbie McNew!  Woot-woot!  Her first day with us happened to be on the day of the first assessment.  In her first 2 months with us, she improved on it by 45.1%!!  Congratulations, Debbie!

Below are the rest of the results for those who did both assessments:

Debbie McNew- 45.1%
Jeff McNew- 37%
Amy Farmer- 34.3%
Holly Husser- 30%
Latoya Jackson- 25.3%
Tenesha Lain- 22%
Lori Thames- 22%
Cristy Alford- 19.3%
Amanda Hough- 17.2%
Meredith Brooks- 16.2%
Angie Nicholson- 16.2%
SuAnn Dycus- 14.9%
Milissa Heusel- 14.4%
Logan Cloessner- 14.3%
Amy Crawford- 7.4%
Taylor Martin- 6.2%
Matt Green- 5.1%
Kelli Daniel- 1.6%
Shea Beard- 0.6%

We will continue to pull our Fighter Pullup Progression sheets and keep working them.  You guys have worked so hard on improving them, so I don't want you to lose any of that progress!  And remember that you are all encouraged to work on them anytime they aren't on the menu for the day, as well.  Anytime you come in the gym, just jump up on the bar and pull!  You may surprise yourself one day and go so high that you smack your head on the upper bar, like Sonia did ;)

