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The Kettlebell 42 Challenge Starts in January!


Challenge brings change.

Join us at Octane for Kettlebell 42, kicking off on January 7.  This is an aggressive 6 week kettlebell transformation program designed to build strength, power and athleticism. Of course, burning fat and leaning out is a nice side effect, too!

This program utilizes kettlebells as a foundation, but also includes body weight training and other functional fitness tools we have in the gym.  You’ll progress quickly through three 2 week long blocks.  Commit to the program, show up consistently, and you’ll be amazed at what you can accomplish in only 42 days.

Of course, any effective training program requires solid nutrition, too!  So every week, there will be a nutrition goal to work on at home, too. Each goal will build on the last, so by the end of the 6 weeks, you’ll be over your sugar cravings and will be eating to fire up your metabolism.

Having a team to support you is key to sticking with any new program and that’s what we’re here for!  We’ll tell you exactly what to do inside the gym, help you modify exercises as needed, and ensure you’re doing everything properly to prevent injury.  We’ll give you nutrition guidelines to follow at home, and you’ll have the support of the entire Octane crew, who will be doing all of it alongside you and helping you stay on track.

Commit to the challenge with us for 42 days and stay motivated by the changes you see and feel!



 Will there be an added cost for participating in the challenge?

Kettlebell 42 will be integrated into the class programming at Octane for all members.  There won’t be any extra fees for participation.


Will we be doing Kettlebell workouts every day? 

Kettlebell work will be included (along with bodyweight training and the use of other functional training tools) on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday workouts.   Wednesday and Saturday classes will be active recovery days, which means you’ll be laying off the strength work and focusing on cardio and mobility.  These days may also be used to make up the workout from another day you may have missed earlier in the week.


Will we still be doing a MyZone challenge during this time? 

Yep!  There will still be weekly MEPs goals for you to meet, and as long as you show up to class consistently wearing your heart rate monitor, you will meet those goals!  As always, every time you meet the goal, you’ll be entered into a drawing to win a prize at the end of the challenge. 



2017 Fitmas Challenge Results

Congratulations, Orkan!


The tee shirt will be light gray, with matching light gray print.  The print on the shirt won't be easily visible until it's soaked with sweat!

First, let's review the rules of the Fitmas Challenge:  Everyone who attended 24 workouts during the months of November and December have earned a free tee shirt!  Extra points could be earned for every workout above 24 that was attended, as well as for every Facebook check-in.  The highest total scorer is the athlete who attended at least 24 classes AND had the highest point total.  

I think it probably comes as no surprise that our top earner is Orkan, with a total of 41 points!  He attended a total of 46 workouts over both months, which shot him to the top of the list.  In addition to his free tee shirt, he also gets a prize pack, featuring a large tub of Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides and a bottle of Young Living peppermint essential oil (for amping up that athletic performance), and a MyZone heart rate belt!  Congratulations, Orkan! 

Below are all of the members who earned a shirt, followed by their point totals:

  1. Orkan Arat, 41
  2. Amanda Hogan, 34
  3. Porsha Adams, 26
  4. Toni Elkins, 25
  5. Holly Husser, 19
  6. Sydney Girtman, 18
  7. Ashley Maxwell, 17
  8. Stevie Scott, 16
  9. Ben Jones, 15
  10. Angie Nicholson, 15
  11. Alicia Bennett, 14
  12. Scott Spencer, 9
  13. Amy Crawford, 9
  14. Byron Johnson, 7

Winners, be sure to let me know what size shirt you want so I can place the order!  If you didn't attend 24 classes, you can still purchase your shirt for $23.  Click here to purchase one!



Fitmas Leaderboard for November!


The total attendance requirement for the challenge is 24 classes, so as long as you made it to 12 workouts in November, you're on track!  The following members made at least 12 classes during November:

Emily- 25
Amy- 22
Orkan- 20
Ashley- 19
Porsha- 19
Scott- 19
Amanda- 17
Holly H- 16
Toni- 15
Milissa- 15
Byron- 14
Ben- 14
Stevie- 14
Nolan- 13
Angie- 12
Sydney- 12
Jason- 12

Don't worry, if you didn't make 12 in November, you can still make up for it in December!  As long as you attend a total of 24 workouts during November and December, you'll earn your shirt!



And these are the folks with the highest additional point totals (not including attendance points):

Milissa- 17
Amanda- 11
Toni- 11
Holly H- 8
Stevie- 8
Orkan- 8
Angie- 7
Alicia- 6




Octane classes are coming to Monroe!


Starting on September 7, new Octane classes will be in Monroe!  Outdoor bootcamps will meet at 5:45pm on Mondays at Forsythe Park, 5:45pm on Thursdays at the Forsythe boat ramp/ levee, and on Saturdays at 8:30am at Neville High School.  Using the equipment around us, as well as our own body weight, medicine balls, jump ropes, and kettlebells, we'll improve strength, stamina, endurance, power and speed. 

Monthly memberships for the Monroe classes are $100, or join Octane's All-Access membership for $20 more, and attend as many of Octane's classes as you'd like, including the workouts and yoga classes in our Sterlington training room.  There are never any contracts, so no commitments are required.  Or you can always drop in on a class for $15.  

Monroe bootcamp members can also join in on the Track Your Macros program, a 9 week nutrition coaching course, at the same discounted rate as our All-Access members, at only $49 per month (for 2 months).

Head on over to our "try a free class" page, navigate to September 7, and sign up for free to join us for class!  All fitness levels are welcome.  Have more questions?  Contact Shannon for more information.  Can't wait to see you there!



SEAL training is back!


More than just a fitness program, SEAL training teaches mental fortitude, physical strength and endurance, as well as mobility, flexibility, and focus.  This program gradually builds you up over an 8 week period, and trains you to look, feel, and think like a special operations team member.  Every individual is stronger when they work together as a team.  Join our team, and we'll help you push harder, get stronger, and accomplish more than you've ever been able to do on your own!

This program begins Tuesday, September 5, and coincides with the Track Your Macros nutrition program!



SEAL Training begins 1.4.2016!

Change yourself with SEAL Training!

Octane Training will kick off 8 weeks of SEAL Training in all of our group classes on January 4!  These aren’t just butt-kicking workouts… this is a training program that focuses on improving mental fortitude, physical durability and the ability to tackle anything that comes your way.  This program is based on SEALFIT, which was designed by a retired Navy SEAL in order to prepare the bodies and minds of new recruits for survival in the most extreme situations.  It will increase your strength, improve your alignment, mobility and posture, build confidence, increase your aerobic capacity and power, and burn some serious fat!  This will change your body AND your mind!  

If you are really ready to actually DO something to change your body, you CAN do this program.  If you don’t want to sweat, don’t want to work, and are still waiting on a magic pill to get you in shape, then this isn’t for you.  If you want to really work, push, burn, and challenge yourself, then you will thrive in this setting!  You will learn how to (safely!) accomplish more than you ever realized you were capable of. 

You will begin every class with with a few minutes of mobility, breath work and baseline training to prepare your body, your central nervous system, and your attitude to tackle the workout for the day.  The workouts will incorporate strength training, power, endurance and overall work capacity, using kettlebells, ropes, medicine balls and your own bodyweight.  You will then finish with more mobility work in the form of yoga, rolling and/or stretching to improve alignment, posture, and range of motion to keep you in the game. 

Each week, there will be a different goal for you to focus on both in class and at home.  These goals will be related to all areas of physical and mental health to round out the training you’ll be doing with us in the training room.  This program is not just about working out… it is a holistic program to make you stronger and healthier at every level.

As always, safety is our top priority.  No training program out there will work for you if you wind up hurting and sitting on the sidelines.  SEAL training is about building you up and keeping you in the game… not beating you down and knocking you out.  Personal trainers will be there with you every step of the way to ensure you are doing exercises that are appropriate for YOU.  You aren’t competing against anyone else in class; you are working WITH them as a team and are competing only against yourself.  

During these 8 weeks of SEAL Training, there will not be separate Group Training and Kettlebell classes.  All classes will be following this programming, which will blend both training methods into one. In addition to the SEAL Training workouts, however, we will still have our regular indoor cycling, yoga and PiYo classes!  



Why barefoot is best for kettlebell training.


Why barefoot is best for kettlebell training.

This little piggy went to kettlebell class... 

This little piggy went to kettlebell class... 

Kick off those cushy shoes!  While they may feel nice and bouncy as you walk through the door, it's best to kick them off once you get inside for our Tuesday and Thursday kettlebell classes.  Why?  Because all that cushion creates a less stable surface... a gap between you and the floor.  The squish that feels so cozy while walking around doesn't do you any favors while you are trying to drive your feet into the floor for your strict presses or heavy swings.  The cushioning just displaces and disperses all that engergy you're working so hard to generate.  You can generate a far greater force from a stable surface than you can from a squishy one.

Imagine yourself in a canoe, floating on the bayou... and you happen to have a cannon.  What do you think will happen if you fire that cannon?   You'll probably get pretty close to flipping that boat right over, and the cannonball won't actually travel very far.  Now, if you move your cannon onto solid ground, you'll get that cannonball to travel much farther!   

So, if you want all that force you generate to go where you actually want it to, go barefoot!  Not only that, but your feet were designed to give you feedback about the environment in which they stand.  With cushy, squishy soles between your feet and the floor, your proprioception (ability to sense your own body's position in space) is diminished.  

I'll see you (and your bare piggies) in class!     




Great turnout for Lucy's visit on Thursday!  Thanks to everyone for coming out to hear what she had to say.  She was throwing knowledge bombs left and right :)  If you'd like to go see her one-on-one, she is at New Beginnings Wellness Center and Spa in Ruston.

And for those who asked about the hummus, here's the recipe!


Not for time
800m Run
Air Squats
Walking Lunges

Then, for time
40 DU
40 Situps
30 DU
30 KBS
20 DU
20 Burpees





Just a reminder that the last workout on Thursday will be at 5pm.  At 6pm, Lucy Douglas will be visiting us from New Beginnings Wellness Center in Ruston to talk about nutrition and answer your burning questions!   Those of you in my classes have more than likely heard a lot about her already.  Medical professionals who are truly passionate about health and nutrition, like Lucy, are hard to find, and I strongly encourage all of you to come listen to what she has to say!  It's a great privilege to have her, so please take advantage of the opportunity!  That, and there will be wine.  ;)

The 100 Days of Real Food challenge starts on Monday, and I will have some handouts for you to take tomorrow evening as well, so you can prepare over the weekend.  Time to exorcise those demons and nourish your body they way it was meant to be!  Read more about the challenge at

See you all tomorrow evening!  The meeting is open to all, so please bring your friends!


Final Assessment Results


Final Assessment Results

Great job on those assessments, guys!  There were awesome improvements all around.  The Fighter Pullup Progression seriously payed off, and the progress is undeniable!  Several of you are now able to do unassisted kipping pullups for the first time, and several of you are now able to do at least one strict pullup!  Logan Cloessner had the most impressive improvement on his pullups... from 8 strict pullups to 16 in one minute!  He had not only the highest pullup number, but the highest total score on the final assessment with 626 points!!!  

The most improved score all around, and winner of one free month of membership is Debbie McNew!  Woot-woot!  Her first day with us happened to be on the day of the first assessment.  In her first 2 months with us, she improved on it by 45.1%!!  Congratulations, Debbie!

Below are the rest of the results for those who did both assessments:

Debbie McNew- 45.1%
Jeff McNew- 37%
Amy Farmer- 34.3%
Holly Husser- 30%
Latoya Jackson- 25.3%
Tenesha Lain- 22%
Lori Thames- 22%
Cristy Alford- 19.3%
Amanda Hough- 17.2%
Meredith Brooks- 16.2%
Angie Nicholson- 16.2%
SuAnn Dycus- 14.9%
Milissa Heusel- 14.4%
Logan Cloessner- 14.3%
Amy Crawford- 7.4%
Taylor Martin- 6.2%
Matt Green- 5.1%
Kelli Daniel- 1.6%
Shea Beard- 0.6%

We will continue to pull our Fighter Pullup Progression sheets and keep working them.  You guys have worked so hard on improving them, so I don't want you to lose any of that progress!  And remember that you are all encouraged to work on them anytime they aren't on the menu for the day, as well.  Anytime you come in the gym, just jump up on the bar and pull!  You may surprise yourself one day and go so high that you smack your head on the upper bar, like Sonia did ;)

