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Daily Workouts




Primal Training

For the next 60 days, we’ll be doing a Primal Training program. This is a minimalist program that’ll bring us back to the basics. We’ll do just enough to improve our power, strength, and conditioning, with no extra fluff. It’s all about maximizing efficiency! These workouts will be short but to the point. There will be a lot of repetition, however, and as monotonous as it may feel, trust me that this is necessary in order to progress. Give each one of these simple workouts all of your effort, remain consistent about showing up, and you’ll see great improvements when we re-test Simple & Sinister at the end of the program!

Primal Nutrition

We’re also going back to the basics with the nutrition recommendations. Over the course of the next 60 days, these are your weekly guidelines:

  • 4 low carb days (100g or less of total carbs, shoot for 30g fiber)

  • 1 high carb day (100-200g of total carbs, shoot for 30g fiber)

  • 2 modified fasting days (women= 500 calories, men =600 calories)

That’s it. No need to track everything- just pay attention to your carb intake, and on those modified fasting days, count your total calories.

As far as what types of foods you should be eating, stick with foods as close to how they appear in nature as possible. Potatoes are great, potato chips aren’t. A bowl of oatmeal works, but oatmeal raisin cookies… not so much. On your non-fasting days, be sure to include a good source of protein at every meal (at least 3x daily), along with as many veggies as you can get in. There aren’t any food groups that are off limits, but focus on high quality, nutrient dense foods across the board. Avoid packaged snack foods and go for fruit, nuts, seeds, etc, if you need a little something to eat between meals.

On your modified fasting days, continue to stick with high quality, nutrient dense foods, but get in those calories however you prefer. You can divide the calories up into several snacks, or save them all for one decent meal. Just keep in mind that fruits and veggies will be the lowest calorie foods, so you’ll get more “bulk” in your belly by focusing on those.



10/10 bird dogs
5 pushup to downdog
5/5 BU press
5/5 bent over rows


1-2-3-4-1-2-3-4 double push press

1-2-3-4-1-2-3-4 HSPU

1-2-3-4-1-2-3-4 pull-up

15s-30s-45s-60s farmer carry

Do one push press, then set the kettlebells down.  Rest as needed, then perform a set of 2.  Rest, then do 3, etc.  Go as heavy as possible and rest as needed between each set to maintain maximum strength.  After completing both 1-4 ladders of push presses, move to HSPU and repeat the cycle.


2-4-6-8-10 swings
1-2-3-4-5 GSQ

Do 2 swings, 1 GSQ, 4 swings, 2 GSQ, etc.  Don’t set the KB down until you complete the full set.  Rest as needed between sets.



Roll and stretch  





Day 16- Wednesday

This is an active recovery day, or it can be used to make up a workout you missed on Monday or Tuesday.


15 mins of mobility:
Roll T-spine with peanut
Roll pecs with ball

SL march
Inv. toe touch
10 air squats
10 knee to elbow plank
100m run

Active Recovery

Continue moving for 30 mins, doing a variety of the following:
Run 400
Run 800
Row 400
Row 800
Jumprope (until you hit yellow)
30 sec flutter kicks
30 sec/ 30 sec side plank

Alternate between an exercise from section A and an exercise from section B, in any order. Do your best to stay in green or below, and try to hit every exercise at least once.


More mobility of your choice + stretching and box breathing.





Week 3 

Nutrition goal

No refined grains. Any grain or product made with grains must include only 100% whole grains. You’re going to have to do your homework and read your ingredient labels! The front of a package may boast that it’s a whole grain item, but it can advertise that even if only 1% of the grains in it are whole. For instance, a loaf of “whole grain” bread may include just a tiny amount of whole grain flour, while the bulk of the bread is made with refined wheat flour. Products that state “100% whole grain” on the package are what you want!

The most common grains we eat are wheat, corn (yep, corn is a grain!), oats, and rice. Look for 100% whole wheat and avoid products the list simply “wheat flour” or “enriched flour” in the ingredients list. Corn products that are labeled as whole grain corn are great, like whole grain corn grits and cornmeal by Bob’s Red Mill. Again, stay away from the products that are not labeled as “whole corn” or “whole grain corn”. Breakfast oats are all good choices, whether you get the rolled oats, steel cut oats, Irish oats, or quick oats. Those are all whole oat products. Whole grain rice will always have a color listed in front of it; for example, brown rice, black rice, or purple rice. Wild rice is actually a grass, not a grain, and it’s a good choice, too! Just steer clear of products that simply list “rice”, which refers to refined white rice.

Day 15- Monday


1/1 Arm Bar
5 Pullovers
5/5 MP
10 Good Mornings

Work Capacity

5x Double KB Complex
3 Dead Cleans
3 Swing Cleans
3 Swing Squat Cleans
Rest 60-90 secs

ME KB or Ring Pushups
10/10 Single Arm Bent KB Row
Rest 60-90 secs

6 DFSQ with 2 sec pause at bottom
10-15 TTB or Hanging Leg Raise
Rest 60-90 secs

3x 30:15
30 sec SDLHP
15 sec rest
30 sec Frog thrusters
15 sec rest


Roll and stretch. Get in some box breathing!





**Special announcement:  Due to popular vote, our afternoon classes will now start at 4:30 instead of 4:15!  Starting TODAY!** 

Week 2 

Nutrition goal

No added sugar.  You may eat foods that have sugar naturally occurring in them, like fruit, but you can’t have anything with sugar added to it.  For example, you can have unsweetened applesauce, but no applesauce with added sugar.

You’ll have to read the ingredients list of all the processed/ prepared foods and drinks you buy to see if any form of sugar has been added.  Here are some common ones to look out for:

dextrose, brown sugar, cane crystals, cane sugar, corn sweetener, corn syrup, corn syrup solids, crystal dextrose, evaporated cane juice, fructose sweetener, fruit juice concentrates, high-fructose corn syrup, liquid fructose, malt syrup, molasses, raw sugar, syrup, fructose, lactose and maltose

The ONLY EXCEPTION here is that you may use raw honey and/or pure maple syrup sparingly.  Use it to sweeten a cup of tea or add a bit to a smoothie.  But don’t swap out your Oreo addiction for spoons and spoons of honey! 


Day 8- Monday


For 6 mins:
30 sec jumprope
10 OH squats
20 shoulder taps
30 sec flutter kicks

Work Capacity

Remember to record your workout in your training log!

5/5 Single Arm Dead Clean*
Bear Crawl length of gym/ crawl backward back
Rest 60-90 sec between rounds

*Full stop at the bottom of each rep to re-set – no swinging or “touch and go” momentum allowed.

ME Hand Release Pushups*
ME Ring Row*
60-90 sec rest between rounds

* Don’t go to absolute failure, but stop the set when tempo slows or you lose form.

10 KB Goblet Pause Squat*
10-15 TTB or Hanging Knee to Elbow
60-90 secs rest between rounds

*2 Second PAUSE in the bottom of each squat.  Watch the clock!

20 sec Ball Slams
20 sec DU/ Battling Jump Rope
20 sec rest


Roll out and stretch, then finish with 5 minutes of box breathing or alligator breathing.





Day 5- Friday


5 min Roll lower body

SL March
Inv Toe Touch
Lunge + Hamstring Stretch
Walking Toe Grabs
Walking Knee Grabs
High Knees
100m Run

800m Run

Work Capacity

50m run/ walk back
Get progressively faster on each run

50m sprint/ walk back
Rest as needed in order to keep intensity near 100% on each sprint.

20 sec one arm/ one leg plank (or modify to one arm)
20 Hollow Body March (20 TOTAL- 10 per leg)


Roll, stretch and breathe





Day 3- Wednesday

This is an active recovery day, or it can be used to make up a workout you missed on Monday or Tuesday.


15 mins of mobility:
Roll T-spine with peanut
Roll pecs with ball

SL march
Inv. toe touch
10 air squats
10 knee to elbow plank
100m run

Active Recovery

For 30 mins:
400m run
Rest to dark gray
800m run
Rest to dark gray

Continue alternating between 400m and 800m runs with rest in between until time is up.

These should be easy runs; don’t go hard! Bring your phone with you so you can watch your MyZone app and make sure you stay in green. Remember this is active recovery work. The intent is to get circulation going through your muscles to help them recover and heal. You aren’t trying to set any records here.


More mobility of your choice + stretching and box breathing.





Day 2- Tuesday


5 pushup to downdog
5 pullovers
10 bent over rows with band
10 lunges

Work Capacity

Every 30 sec x 6 mins (12 rounds total, 6 rounds per arm)
5 Single Push Press
As heavy as possible. alternate Arms each round.

6/6-6/6-4/4-4/4 Single Arm KB Strict Press
ME Pull Ups
Rest 60-90 secs between rounds.

10/10 Single KB Rack Walking Lunge
10/10 Halos
Rest 60-90 secs between rounds.

10/10 Bent Over Rows
10 Burpee To 6 Inch Target
Rest only 45 secs between rounds.


Roll, stretch and alligator or box breathing.





Kettlebell 42

Kettlebell 42 kicks off today! Commit to staying consistent with the training program and nutrition goals for 42 days, and you’ll have the ability to make a huge impact on your strength, athleticism, and body composition.

It’s really important that you track your workouts for the duration of the program. So grab a notebook or just use the notes section in your phone for your training log; whatever works best for you. You’ll need to record the weights you used and reps you completed on every workout. In future workouts, you’ll be referring back to those notes so you’ll know what to do next! I also highly encourage you to use your training log to record your nutrition notes. Every week, I’ll tell you exactly what you need to record for the nutrition part, based on what the goal is for that week.

Week 1

Nutrition goal

Eat 3 meals every day (don’t skip meals!) and include a serving of protein at each meal. Any form of animal protein is fine, protein supplements (like collagen or whey), or beans.

A serving size is about 1-2 palm-sized portions of meat or beans. For protein supplements, go with the servings as directed on your package. If you’re having eggs, one egg isn’t enough! To be counted as a full protein serving, you need THREE.

In your log, FIRST, record your current waist and hip measurements and weight, if you have a goal of changing your body composition. Then, every day, record what your three servings of protein were.

Day 1- Monday


For 6 mins:
30 sec jumprope
10 OH squats
20 shoulder taps
30 sec flutter kicks

Work Capacity

Remember to record your workout in your training log!

5/5 Single Arm Dead Clean*
Bear Crawl length of gym/ crawl backward back
Rest 60-90 sec between rounds

*Full stop at the bottom of each rep to re-set – no swinging or “touch and go” momentum allowed.

ME Hand Release Pushups*
ME Ring Row*
60-90 sec rest between rounds

* Don’t go to absolute failure, but stop the set when tempo slows or you lose form.

10 KB Goblet Pause Squat*
10-15 TTB or Hanging Knee to Elbow
60-90 secs rest between rounds

*2 Second PAUSE in the bottom of each squat.  Watch the clock!

20 sec Ball Slams
20 sec DU/ Battling Jump Rope
20 sec rest


Roll out and stretch, then finish with 5 minutes of box breathing or alligator breathing.








SL march
Inv toe touch
10/10 bird dog
5 pushup to down dog
30 singles

400m run

Work Capacity

3 min AMRAP
5 broad jumps
10 pushups

rest 2 mins

3 min AMRAP
30 DU
60 flutter kicks

rest 2 mins

3 min AMRAP
10 V-ups
20 ball slams

rest 2 mins

800m run

rest 2 mins

400m run


Roll and stretch







1/1 arm bar
3/3 halos
3 prying GSQ or cossack squats
5/5 windmills


5/5 step ups
5 pull-ups
30 sec hollow hold
rest to blue

5/5 bent over rows
1 min plank
rest to blue

20:10 x 8
single arm swings, alternate sides every round


roll and stretch + alligator breathing
