Viewing entries in
SEAL Training




Week 8

Goal of the week- Unplug

Pick one day this week to stay unplugged.  You may use your phone for necessary calls and texts, but no social media or games!

It seems like we can’t go anywhere or do anything these days without constantly checking our phones.  We’ve developed such short attention spans and have lost our patience, requiring constant stimulation to keep from feeling bored.  We get in line at the grocery store and immediately whip out our phones to check Instagram.  We read Facebook posts while pumping gas, and we even play games on our phones during meals.  We see it in restaurants all the time, and perhaps are guilty of this ourselves- a family is sitting at the table together, and they are all staring down at their phones, as if there weren’t anyone else sitting at the table with them. Not only is this habit killing our posture, but it’s killing our ability to connect with others and to be present.

This week, your challenge is to pick one day and totally unplug.  Yes, for an entire day!  Obviously, you need to use your phone to contact people, but the rule is that you may only use it for necessary calls and texts.  No social media and no games!  When you are waiting for something to happen, like when you’re standing in line somewhere, and the urge to browse on your phone strikes, take a look around you instead.  Notice the people around you, make eye contact and say hello to someone, maybe even strike up a conversation!   When you’re eating, pay attention to your food.  Actually taste it, slow down and chew, and enjoy the meal, rather than scarfing some food as quickly as possible while reading the news.  Focus on what you’re doing at the moment and enjoy where you are.  Breathe.  Just be present.  Connect with people around you.  Stop letting the world zoom past unnoticed, while you’re nose is buried in your screen.  



Box breathing/ rolling trouble spots
ROM drills

4- Count Mountain Climbers
Air Squats

10 Rounds
3 Double KB Front Squats

Work Capacity

*KB Complex
Box Jumps
Toe To Bar

*KB Complex: Double KB clean + press + thruster

50 4-count Flutter kicks
30 Good Mornings

Yoga or active stretch.

Record workout results in training journal.
Continue with all weekly goals so far, and remember to create a daily goal to focus on each morning, and record it in your journal.





Box breathing/ rolling trouble spots
ROM drills

3 Rounds
200m Run
5 Jumping Pullups
5 Dips
5 Squat Jumps

Work Capacity
20 min AMRAP
5 Pullups
10 Pushups
15 Air Squats

800m Run For Time
400m Run For Time
200m Run For Time
100m Run For Time
work to rest ratio is 1:1

Yoga or active stretch.

Record workout results in training journal.
Continue with all weekly goals so far, and remember to create a daily goal to focus on each morning, and record it in your journal.




The ride-in move is this Friday!  We'll watch "Everest" on the big screen and get in a long, slow ride.  The ride is totally casual- you aren't required to stay the whole time, and you're free to hop off to grab drinks, snacks, or whatever…

The ride-in move is this Friday!  We'll watch "Everest" on the big screen and get in a long, slow ride.  The ride is totally casual- you aren't required to stay the whole time, and you're free to hop off to grab drinks, snacks, or whatever!     Bring your bike, use our trainer, and get in some miles in front of a good movie with great friends!  Non-members can join us for $15 (or $8 if you bring your own trainer).  Sign up now on the schedule page!  Keep in mind,  that you're free to use the rowers, as well, or just come roll out during the show!


Box breathing/ rolling trouble spots
ROM drills

2 Rounds
15 Good Mornings
6/6 Step Ups
Bear Crawl 10m

3 Rounds
15 Deadlifts
15 Box Jumps

Work Capacity
For Time
15 Double Thrusters
200m Run
20 Double Thrusters
400m Run
30 Double Thrusters
800m Run

100 Situps

Yoga or active stretch.

Record workout results in training journal.
Continue with all weekly goals so far, and remember to create a daily goal to focus on each morning, and record it in your journal.






Box breathing/ rolling trouble spots
ROM drills

400m Run
3 Rounds
5 HSPU (mod to pike pushups)
10 Pushups
60 sec Jumprope

10 Rounds
3 Push Press

Work Capacity
20 min AMRAP
3/3 TGU
5 Clapping Pushups
7 Ring Rows
100m Sprint

50 Leg Levers (straight leg raises)
50 Situps

Yoga shoulder mobility.

Record workout results in training journal.
Continue with all weekly goals so far, and remember to create a daily goal to focus on each morning, and record it in your journal.






Box breathing/ rolling trouble spots
ROM drills

3 Rounds
200m Run
5 Single Arm Cleans + 5 FSQ + 5 Push Press
Repeat other side
5 Pushups

Work Capacity
For Time
800m Run
15 Double Clean and Press, AHAP
800m Run

Tabata Sprints

Yoga or active stretch.

Record workout results in training journal.
Continue with all weekly goals so far, and remember to create a daily goal to focus on each morning, and record it in your journal




Week 7

Goal of the week- Positive internal dialogue

Be mindful of negative self talk and stop it in it’s tracks.  Replace these thoughts with positive ones every time they arise.

What you say to yourself matters.  We always tell our kids they can do anything they believe they can, and it’s something we need to remind ourselves, as well!  

Working on your thought patterns can be quite difficult, but it is an extremely valuable skill to master.  Start by paying attention to your thoughts, and recognize when you start a negative thought pattern.  Then, override those negative thoughts with positive ones.  This isn’t as easy as it sounds, and it definitely takes some practice!  Try this: next time you walk in the gym, see the workout on the board and start thinking, “You want me to do WHAT?!”, switch gears and say something to yourself like, “I’m feeling good and strong… I’ve got this”.  I know this sounds corny and even obvious, but I see you all doubting yourselves all the time!  On the other hand,  I hear you encourage each other constantly during those workouts.  Treat yourself with as much respect as you treat your friends, and give yourself the same amount of encouragement and confidence!   This applies to anything and everything, though; not just our workouts.  

Remember the dirt dives we talked about when we first started the SEAL training programming?  Dirt diving is positive visualization; it’s succeeding in your mind first, so you can then go on to succeed in real life.  This is an extension of positive self talk.  If you can tell yourself that you can do it, and then see yourself do it, you WILL do it!



Box breathing/ rolling trouble spots
ROM drills

400m Run

3 Rounds

10 Air Squats

10 Goblet Squats

10 Lunges



10 Rounds

3 Double KB Front Squats


Work Capacity


50 Pull-ups

75 Situps

50 OH Squats

75 DU



3 Rounds

50 4-count Flutter Kicks

50 Leg Levers


Yoga or active stretch.


Record workout results in training journal.
Continue with all weekly goals so far, and remember to create a daily goal to focus on each morning, and record it in your journal.






Box breathing/ rolling trouble spots
ROM drills

2 Rounds
200m Run
15 Double KB Cleans

Work Capacity
3 min AMRAP x 5 Rounds
Rest 1 min between each round.

3 Double KB Cleans (or 3/3 single arm)
6 Burpees
9 Situps

*In 3 minutes, complete as many rounds as possible.  Rest 1 min.  Repeat the 3 min AMRAP.  Rest 1 min… etc, until 5 rounds of the AMRAP have been completed, for a total of 15 working minutes.

3 mile or 30 min run at moderate pace. 

Yoga or active stretch.

Record workout results in training journal.
Continue with all weekly goals so far, and remember to create a daily goal to focus on each morning, and record it in your journal.






Box breathing/ rolling trouble spots
ROM drills

800m Run
3 Rounds
10 H2H KB Swings
10 Pushups
10 Situps

10 Rounds
3 Suitcase Deadlift

Work Capacity
For Time
150 Double KB Thrusters (16/12kg)

3 Rounds
20 Strict TTB (mod to V-Ups)
10 Supermans

Yoga hip and shoulder mobility.

Record workout results in training journal.
Continue with all weekly goals so far, and remember to create a daily goal to focus on each morning, and record it in your journal.






Box breathing/ rolling trouble spots
ROM drills

3 Rounds
200m Run
20 KB Swings
10 Squat Jumps
Bear Crawl 10m

Work Capacity
Box Jumps

Accumulate 2 min hollow body hold.

Yoga or active stretch.

Record workout results in training journal.
Continue with all weekly goals so far, and remember to create a daily goal to focus on each morning, and record it in your journal.






Box breathing/ rolling trouble spots
ROM drills

3 Rounds
200m Run
5 Push Press
5 HSPU (mod to pike pushups)
5 Pullups (mod to ring rows)
5 PVC Shoulder dislocates

10 Rounds
3 Push Press

Work Capacity
15 min AMRAP
20 Ball Slams
20 Step ups
20m Run

50 Weighted Situps
30 Good Mornings

Yoga or active stretch.

Record workout results in training journal.
Continue with all weekly goals so far, and remember to create a daily goal to focus on each morning, and record it in your journal.
