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Daily Workouts




The 21 Day Sugar Detox is coming!  This time, rather than giving you the details about the program and letting you go on your own, I'll be giving you information and recipes weekly, and helping you with the meal planning and preparation.  Starting on April 2, there will be 5 total weeks of guidance (beginning one week prior and extending to one week after the detox) for $45.  Not only that, but Dana, from For His Temple Family Foods, is creating a menu to go along with the 21 DSD so she can offer you ready-made meals that you can purchase to make your meal prepping a total no-brainer.  Space is limited, so if you'd like to participate, sign up early!  Membership is not a requirement, so feel free to send the info on to friends and family who may be interested in doing this with you.  Navigate to April 2 on our schedule page or in your MindBody app to find the 21 Day Sugar Detox and sign up!  


Box breathing/ rolling trouble spots
ROM drills

KB Swings (progressively heavier each set)
2-count Mountain Climbers

5 Rounds
5 Pushups- Explode to top, negative to a count of 4, pause at bottom. Not hand-release!  To modify, elevate upper body on box.  Focus on keeping the core tight.  Amplify using weighted vest and/or elevate feet on box

Work Capacity
20 min AMRAP
10/10 Snatches
20 Box Jumps
3 Wall Walks (modify to 30 plank shoulder taps, 15 per side)

Accumulate 2 mins in plank and 2 min of flutter kicks. 

Yoga or active stretch.




The 5am crew kicked the day off with some fantastic improvements on the assessment!  We saw some great stuff from everyone all day!  If you missed it today and would like to make it up, you can do the assessment any day this week during an…

The 5am crew kicked the day off with some fantastic improvements on the assessment!  We saw some great stuff from everyone all day!  If you missed it today and would like to make it up, you can do the assessment any day this week during another class. 

Since we don't have a goal of the week to follow this week, I want you to look back on the goals you worked on during the last 8 weeks, and consider which ones made the biggest difference for you.  The box breathing, hydration, nutrition and sleep goals are physical goals that I encourage you all to stick with until they become habits!  The mental goals were practicing gratitude (week 5), setting a daily focus or goal each morning (week 6), positive internal dialogue (week 7), and to unplug for a full day to practice being in the moment (week 8).  Reflect back on which of these made the biggest impact for you and keep them going!  If you skipped over any of the goals during the past 8 weeks, I challenge you to go back and focus on them, one at a time.  


Box breathing/ rolling trouble spots
ROM drills

400m Run
inchworms + pushup, length of gym
Inverted toe touch, length of gym
400m Run
Bear crawl, down and back
Squat skips, down and back

Work Capacity
For time
30 Thrusters (double KB)
15 Strict Toe to Bar
30 Wall Balls
15 Kipping Toe to Bar
30 Goblet Squats
15 V-Ups

2 Rounds
25 Good Mornings
200m Run

Yoga or active stretch.

Keep up with your journal!




Coming up this weekend... our SEAL graduation workout on Saturday!  For 8 weeks, you have worked on skills to improve your concentration, mental toughness, work capacity and recovery. Come put your hard work to the test!  The final workout in the SEAL programming is Crossfit's Murph, so this is what we'll be doing.  You can choose to do this workout individually, or scale it back by completing it with a partner.  Remember, part of the SEAL training is about learning how to work as a team, so this is perfectly acceptable!  If you haven't been with us during the full 8 weeks of this program, I would especially encourage you to work with a partner.  The details of the workout, along with a sign up sheet, will be posted at the gym all week.  Be sure to get your name on there!  After the workout, you will have plenty of time to roll out and stretch, and then relax with some coffee and breakfast goodies.  This will be a longer workout than usual, so plan to spend a couple hours of your morning with us!  Candy will be following this up with a fantastic yoga recovery session on Sunday.  It's going to be a great weekend at the gym!  I strongly encourage you all to attend both days, to really reap the rewards of all the SEAL training you've completed.

Results on January 4. 

Results on January 4. 


Final Assessment!  Compare your results with the first SEAL training workout from January 4. 

Box breathing/ rolling trouble spots
ROM drills

3 Rounds
200m Run
10 Air Squats
10/10 Arm Circles

5 Rounds

5 Double FSQ (modify to GSQ)

Work Capacity
For time

500m Run
40 Air Squats
30 Butterfly Situps
10 Pullups (kipping is fine, but chin must clear the bar!  Modify with band, jumping pullups, or ring rows)

8 x 200m sprints with walk back

Yoga or active stretch.





There will not be a yoga class tomorrow!  Candy will be in Shreveport at a yoga for athletes workshop.  She'll be back on Wednesday!

Don't forget that final assessments are coming up on Monday.  We will be repeating the first SEAL workout we did 8 weeks ago.  Hard to believe 8 weeks have passed!  We had a bunch of people do the assessment that day, so I want to see all of you there to re-assess! 


Box breathing/ rolling trouble spots
ROM drills

KB Swings
Air Squats

Work Capacity
800m Run

Double Thrusters

800m Run

Yoga hip and shoulder mobility.

Record workout results in training journal.
Continue with all weekly goals so far, and remember to create a daily goal to focus on each morning, and record it in your journal.






Box breathing/ rolling trouble spots
ROM drills

400m Run
3 Rounds
10 Sumo Deadlifts
10 Pushups
10 Situps

10 Rounds
3 Suitcase Deadlift

Work Capacity
In 10 Minutes
800m Run
30 Handstand Pushups (modify to pike pushups or double strict presses)
ME DU in remaining time

100 Situps
100 Supermans

Yoga hip and shoulder mobility.

Record workout results in training journal.
Continue with all weekly goals so far, and remember to create a daily goal to focus on each morning, and record it in your journal.






Box breathing/ rolling trouble spots
ROM drills

3 Rounds
20 Walking Lunges
15 Good Mornings
Bear Crawl 10m

Work Capacity
Air Squats

50 Weighted Situps

Yoga or active stretch.

Record workout results in training journal.
Continue with all weekly goals so far, and remember to create a daily goal to focus on each morning, and record it in your journal.






This is the final week of the SEAL training program... so what next?!  Well, we've had such great feedback from this programming, that we've decided we aren't ready to stop quite yet!  On Monday of next week, we will be repeating the first SEAL workout we did, which was your first assessment, so you can see how far you've come in the past 8 weeks.  We will stick with the SEAL style of programming throughout the week, and will have a big SEAL graduation workout on Saturday.  So mark your calendars!  On Saturday, March 5 at 8:30am, we will test the physical and mental toughness you worked so hard on building during this program.  There will be an individual and a partner option for the workout and a sign up sheet will be posted at the gym, so get your name on it!  It's going to be tough, but you know that with our crew, there will always be some fun involved, too. ;)

Some of the greatest parts of the SEAL programming for us were the very specific routines from start to finish... the box breathing, baseline, and post workout yoga and active stretching rituals.  In all my years of teaching these classes, I can safely say that this has been the first time I have had the entire class so actively participating in the pre- and post- workout sections so well!  So you better believe that we will be sticking with them!  We intend to keep many of the elements we learned and had great success with during the SEAL training program, and will incorporate the Strongfirst style kettlebell training that we love so much, as well.  I think these will go together seamlessly to provide some fantastic training for you guys!   

Box breathing/ rolling trouble spots
ROM drills

400m Run
400m Run
15 Double Push Press

10 Rounds
3 Push Press

Work Capacity
For Time
*5 Muscle Ups
50 DU
4 Muslce Ups
40 DU
3 Muscle Ups
30 DU
2 Muscle Ups
20 DU
1 Muscle Up
10 DU

*Modify muscle ups to 3 pullups + 3 dips for each rep.  For example, 5 muscle ups would modify to 15 pull-ups + 15 dips.  4 muscle ups would modify to 12 pull-ups + 12 dips, etc


Recovery run in whatever time remains.

Yoga shoulder mobility.

Record workout results in training journal.
Continue with all weekly goals so far, and remember to create a daily goal to focus on each morning, and record it in your journal.






Box breathing/ rolling trouble spots
ROM drills

5 Rounds
200m Run
3 Cleans + 3 FSQ + 3 Push Press
Repeat other side
3 Pullups

Work Capacity
10/10 Snatches
200m Shuttle Sprint (50m and back x 2)

3 Rounds
400m Run for time
Rest 2 min between sets

Yoga or active stretch.

Record workout results in training journal.
Continue with all weekly goals so far, and remember to create a daily goal to focus on each morning, and record it in your journal.





Week 8

Goal of the week- Unplug

Pick one day this week to stay unplugged.  You may use your phone for necessary calls and texts, but no social media or games!

It seems like we can’t go anywhere or do anything these days without constantly checking our phones.  We’ve developed such short attention spans and have lost our patience, requiring constant stimulation to keep from feeling bored.  We get in line at the grocery store and immediately whip out our phones to check Instagram.  We read Facebook posts while pumping gas, and we even play games on our phones during meals.  We see it in restaurants all the time, and perhaps are guilty of this ourselves- a family is sitting at the table together, and they are all staring down at their phones, as if there weren’t anyone else sitting at the table with them. Not only is this habit killing our posture, but it’s killing our ability to connect with others and to be present.

This week, your challenge is to pick one day and totally unplug.  Yes, for an entire day!  Obviously, you need to use your phone to contact people, but the rule is that you may only use it for necessary calls and texts.  No social media and no games!  When you are waiting for something to happen, like when you’re standing in line somewhere, and the urge to browse on your phone strikes, take a look around you instead.  Notice the people around you, make eye contact and say hello to someone, maybe even strike up a conversation!   When you’re eating, pay attention to your food.  Actually taste it, slow down and chew, and enjoy the meal, rather than scarfing some food as quickly as possible while reading the news.  Focus on what you’re doing at the moment and enjoy where you are.  Breathe.  Just be present.  Connect with people around you.  Stop letting the world zoom past unnoticed, while you’re nose is buried in your screen.  



Box breathing/ rolling trouble spots
ROM drills

4- Count Mountain Climbers
Air Squats

10 Rounds
3 Double KB Front Squats

Work Capacity

*KB Complex
Box Jumps
Toe To Bar

*KB Complex: Double KB clean + press + thruster

50 4-count Flutter kicks
30 Good Mornings

Yoga or active stretch.

Record workout results in training journal.
Continue with all weekly goals so far, and remember to create a daily goal to focus on each morning, and record it in your journal.





Box breathing/ rolling trouble spots
ROM drills

3 Rounds
200m Run
5 Jumping Pullups
5 Dips
5 Squat Jumps

Work Capacity
20 min AMRAP
5 Pullups
10 Pushups
15 Air Squats

800m Run For Time
400m Run For Time
200m Run For Time
100m Run For Time
work to rest ratio is 1:1

Yoga or active stretch.

Record workout results in training journal.
Continue with all weekly goals so far, and remember to create a daily goal to focus on each morning, and record it in your journal.
