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SEAL Training





Box breathing/ rolling trouble spots/ ROM drills

10 Minutes

Work Capacity
KB Swings
Box Jumps
Weighted Situps (using wall ball or kettle bell)

Yoga Short Form A or active stretch.

Record workout results in training journal.
Also record box breathing practice, water intake, hours of sleep, and nutrition.




Week 4

Goal of the week- Nutrition

Eat protein, veggies and/or fruit, and fat at every meal.  No processed foods, added sugar, or grains!  Limit fruit to 2 per day and get in as many veggies as you can.

Now that you guys have your breathing, hydration and sleep in order, it’s time to start fueling up properly!  Together, these four pieces complete the physical aspects of your durability (or recovery) habits.  If you still haven’t been consistent with the breathing practice, water intake or sleep, stop right here!  Don’t even attempt these nutrition guidelines until the other habits are solidly in place.  Go back to the goals you haven’t been consistent with and work on those.  Record your progress daily in your journal, and then come back to this week’s goal.

So, what does SEAL fuel look like?  Basically, it’s a modified version of the Paleo diet.  And why the heck does this dang Paleo diet keep popping up?!  Because it decreases inflammation.  Whether or not you have allergies or sensitivities to wheat, the fact is, wheat (along with many other foods in our modern diet) is highly inflammatory.  If your body doesn’t have to work hard to recover from the “foods” you’re eating, then it can focus more energy on muscle recovery!  In short, fresh food makes healthy bodies.  You won’t find a healthy body in a box of cereal.

Here are the 5 steps you need to follow; please, don’t count calories!  Just focus on the types of foods you’re eating, and use these 5 rules to guide your food choices:

  1. Cut out sugar and processed foods.  Remember the real food challenge?  Here it is again.  Read your labels, and don’t buy or eat anything that has ingredients you don’t recognize.  If an ingredient wasn’t found in nature, it shouldn’t be put into your body.  But what about honey and maple syrup, you ask?  Fine, but you need to limit them to treats; as in, maybe once a week.  Sugar shouldn’t show up in your diet on a daily basis!
  2. Remove grains 80% of the time.  This means ALL grains… wheat, rice, pasta, crackers, tortilla chips (yes, corn is a grain), etc.  This 80% rule means that you can include grains on occasion (maybe 1-2 times per week), but for the most part, your carbohydrate sources will come from produce.  
  3. Eliminate cow’s milk and highly processed cheese and yogurt.  If you don’t have any dairy sensitivities, you may include REAL cheese (not Velveeta) and full fat, unsweetened dairy products (like plain, whole yogurt and full fat sour cream).  If you are including dairy products, it’s very important that you choose grass-fed, organic products!  Kerrygold butter and cheese, Organic Valley cream cheese, etc.  If you’re going to eat it, get the best quality you can find!
  4. Eliminate most starches and legumes (white potatoes*, corn, beans, etc).  They can be included 20% of the time, just like grains.  Sweet potatoes are fine, so you may include them as a veggie.  The goal is to fuel up with as many fresh veggies and fruits as possible, so those will be your main carb source.  Remember that hummus is made from legumes, so this should be limited to once or twice per week!  
  5. Remove processed vegetable oils, and replace them with olive oil and coconut oil.  Avocados, walnuts, almonds and fatty fish are all excellent fat sources that should be eaten in place of vegetable oils.  

*Many paleo nutritionists have gone back on the “no white potatoes” rule and now state that it’s ok to keep them in your diet.  The SEALFIT book still recommends that you remove them, but it was published in 2014.  So this one is up to you! 

Is you're head spinning yet?  To make this simpler, every meal should consist of vegetables and/or fruit, protein (eggs, poultry, meat, fish, of as high a quality as possible), and quality fat.  Don't count calories- just eat real food!  



Box breathing/ rolling trouble spots/ ROM drills

3 Rounds
200m Run
10 OH Squats with PVC
10 Pushups

5 Rounds
5 Overhead Squats (double kettlebells, or modify to single KB, or Front Rack Squats)

Work Capacity
Crossfit’s Nancy

400m Run
15 OH Squats

Yoga Short Form B or active stretch.

Record workout results in training journal.
Also record box breathing practice, water intake, hours of sleep, and food daily.







Box breathing/ rolling trouble spots/ ROM drills

5/5 Single Arm KB Swings
100m Run
5/5 KB Cleans (16/12kg)
200m Run
5/5 Snatches (16/12kg)
300m Run

5 Rounds
5/5 Clean and Press

Work Capacity
5 Rounds
10 Double Clean and Press (modify to 5 per side)
100m Run
30 second rest

Shoulder Mobility

Record workout, daily hydration, and box breathing practice in your journal.  
Write down your total hours of sleep last night.  Be sure to get to bed early enough tonight so that you can get at least 7 hours of sleep!






Box breathing/ rolling trouble spots/ ROM drills

3 Rounds
10 Hand to hand KBS
Bear Crawl Fwd/bkwd
5/5 KB Thrusters
3 Burpees

Work Capacity

Stations, 1 min each x 3 Rounds

KB Swings
Box Jumps
Ball Slams
Rest 1 min

No rest between exercises- clock doesn’t stop!  One minute rest between rounds.

Rolling and active stretch.

Record workout, daily hydration, and box breathing practice in your journal.  
Write down your total hours of sleep last night.  Be sure to get to bed early enough tonight so that you can get at least 7 hours of sleep!







Box breathing/ rolling trouble spots/ ROM drills

400m Run
3 Rounds
10 KB Deadlifts (single KB)
10 2-count Mountain Climbers
5/5 Push Jerks (20/12kg)

5 Rounds
10 Deadlifts (single KB, or double if more weight is needed)

Work Capacity
For Time
800m Run
25 Hand to hand KB Swings (20/ 12kg)
25 Wall Balls
25 Dips (between boxes, or amplify on rings)
800m Run

Yoga or active stretch.

Record workout, daily hydration, and box breathing practice in your journal.  
Write down your total hours of sleep last night.  Be sure to get to bed early enough tonight so that you can get at least 7 hours of sleep!





For those of you who attended Candy's yoga class last Sunday (the 10th), you got to experience yoga nidra.  This is a guided meditation, and it is AWESOME for relaxation.  There are a lot of recordings out there, but I really like the one Candy recommended to me, which she used in class.  The album, called Mukti Meditations, is available on iTunes.  The "Inner Silence" track is the one that was used in class, and there's another one called "Yoga Nidra" that is great when you have more time.  It's 43 minutes long, and I love listening to that before bed.  The idea with these meditations is to actually stay awake during the entire thing in order to reap the full benefits, so if you can listen to these at some point during the day, that's even better!  

Another great option is the app called Headspace.  Headspace has a series of 10 minute meditations... anyone can find 10 minutes a day to do this!  


Box breathing/ rolling trouble spots/ ROM drills

3 Rounds
200m Run
25 Jumping Jacks
15 Situps

Work Capacity
20 min AMRAP
400m Run
10 Thrusters (Double KB: 20/12kg)
10 Knees to Elbows

Yoga hip mobility or active stretch.

Record workout, daily hydration, and box breathing practice in your journal.  
Write down your total hours of sleep last night.  Be sure to get to bed early enough tonight so that you can get at least 7 hours of sleep!




Week 3

Goal of the week- Sleep

Be sure to get in at least 7 hours of sleep every night.  Stop using phones, iPads and computers at least 30 minutes before bed.  

We know that proper recovery is important if you want to stay in the game.  You work hard on your training in the gym, but you have to work just as hard on recovering if you want to be able to stick with it and remain injury free.  The hydration goal from week 2 is something you’re already doing to help with recovery, but another very important one is sleep.  

Sleep affects everything!  You're muscle tissues repair during sleep and long-term memory sets in.  When you are short on sleep, even by just a little bit, you lack focus, your hormones can be imbalanced, your immune system suffers, and physical performance drops.  Unfortunately, when we have a lot on our plates, sleep seems to be the first thing to go in order to create more time to get everything done.  It’s important to realize that when we have had adequate sleep, we perform more efficiently, both mentally and physically, and perhaps wouldn’t require as much time to accomplish what we have on our lists!  Just a thought.  Here’s a great page with lots of FAQs about sleep.!faq/c5cd

Keep in mind that your ability to fall asleep is also dependent on proper hormone functioning.  Blue light lets your brain know that it’s day time, and when you are exposed to it at night, it can inhibit melatonin release, which is necessary for sleep.  Blue light is what is emitted from your electronic devices, so stop checking Facebook or texting before bed!  You should stop using your phone and computer at least 30 mins before bed, and be sure your bedroom is totally dark. 

Melatonin works in opposition of cortisol… when cortisol levels are high, melatonin is low, and vise-versa.  Ideally, your cortisol levels are highest when you wake in the morning, and it slowly diminishes during the day.  By bedtime, cortisol levels should be low and melatonin should be high, so you are ready to fall asleep.  If you have trouble falling asleep at night, work on your box breathing to shut of your stress response, and make sure you aren’t looking at electronic devices close to bedtime.



Box breathing/ rolling trouble spots/ ROM drill

400m Run
Air Squats
Jumping Pull Ups

5 Rounds
5 Suitcase Deadlift

Work Capacity
12 KB Swings
6/6 Push Presses (20/12kg)
9 Burpees

Yoga Short Form A or active stretch.

Record workout, daily hydration, and box breathing practice in your journal. 
Also, record many hours of sleep you got last night.





I found something really cool that you guys may be interested in, and it goes right along with our water challenge for this week.  It's called the Kishu water filter.  I love this thing.  It's a stick of charcoal that you drop in your water bottle, and it filters your tap water.  It completely removes the chlorine taste from the water!  And it's good for 4 months.  Cool.  I don't own stock in the company, and they aren't paying me to say any of this... I just wanted to pass the info along!  I payed 10 bucks for it at Fiesta, and it's also available on Amazon.  You're welcome!


Box breathing/ rolling trouble spots/ ROM drills

300m Run
15 Pushups
300m Run
15 Push Presses


5 Rounds
5 Double Push Jerks

Work Capacity
21-15-9, For Time
Frog Thrusters
Push Jerk, per side

Yoga short form B or active stretch.

Record workout in your journal.  How did you do?  How did you feel?  Did you focus on deep breathing techniques and how did it affect you?  What could you have done better?  

Don’t forget to record your total daily water intake in your journal, and also write down whether or not you get in some box breathing during the day.





We're on day 4 of our hydration goal!  You should all be getting in at least 70-100 ounces of water daily.  Even better than just tracking how much water you get in, is to see how hydrated you really are.  I like to geek out on this stuff, so I love being able to measure everything!  If you really want to see if you're getting in enough water, purchase some Rapid Response Urine Dipstick test strips.  You can get 100 strips for about $12 on Amazon (although they're currently sold out!  They are available here or you can search Amazon for any urine test strips that measure Specific Gravity.).  It's the only surefire way to know if you're hydrated well enough.  The marker you're looking for is Specific Gravity.  If you're properly hydrated, your value will lie between 1.005 and 1.015.  When you approach 1.020, you're starting to slip and are about 1% shy from optimal total body water volume.  If you hit 1.025, that's even worse and you need to drink up!

These Rapid Response strips will test more than your hydration levels, and some other values that may be of interest for you guys are the Leukocytes and Protein.  If you train hard one day, and your Leukocytes are elevated the next day (showing purple on the strip), then it would be wise to back off a bit that day and really focus on recovery measures- nutrition, sleep, hydration (which you're already doing!), perhaps some immune- boosting vitamins and minerals.  The same applies to protein; in the hours following a workout, your protein levels may be elevated, and that's normal.  However, if levels are still elevated the following day (showing green on the strip), then it would be smart to back off that day and focus on recovery.  Feel free to come to class and use the time to roll out, and do some easy rowing, practice some skill work, or go through the workout of the day at an easy pace for you.  


Box breathing/ rolling trouble spots/ ROM drills

4 Rounds
30 sec DU practice (or singles)
10 Walking Lunges
10 Shoulder Taps

Work Capacity
10 Rounds
20 DU
10 Air Squats
20 Mountain Climbers per leg
10 Pushups

Slow run- whatever time permits after finishing Work Capacity.

Yoga (any form) or active stretch

Record workout in your journal.  How did you do?  How did you feel?  Did you focus on deep breathing techniques and how did it affect you?  What could you have done better?  

Don’t forget to record your total daily water intake in your journal, and also write down whether or not you get in some box breathing during the day.





Box breathing/ rolling trouble spots/ ROM drills
3 Rounds
200m Run
5/5 Strict Press
5 Dips
5 Squat Jumps

5 Rounds
5 Double Push Press (this should be heavier than Monday’s strict presses!)

Work Capacity
400m Run
10 Push Presses
10 Ball Slams

Yoga short form A or active stretch.

Record workout in your journal.  How did you do?  How did you feel?  Did you focus on deep breathing techniques and how did it affect you?  What could you have done better?  

Don’t forget to record your total daily water intake in your journal, and also write down whether or not you get in some box breathing during the day.
